Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Abstract:Both self-interference and image interference are key practical impediments to realize in-band full-duplex radio-frequency (RF) systems. The previous photonics-based approaches can realize either self-interference cancellation or image-reject mixing. The only approach to realize both functions relies on electrical operations of phase shift, power weighting, and time delay, leading to limited bandwidth and frequency. This Letter proposes and demonstrates a photonic approach to realize simultaneous self-interference cancellation and image-reject mixing. The key is that by introducing only one polarization-multiplexed 90 degrees optical hybrid, simultaneous 0, pi, pi/2, and 3 pi/2 phase shifts can be introduced in the optical domain. In addition, power weighting and time delay of the reference signal for self-interference cancellation can be realized in the optical domain with the help of polarization multi-plexing. In this way, all the operations required by both functions are realized using optical methods. Both theoretical and experimental investigations are performed. Simultaneous self-interference cancellation and image-reject mixing are achieved, with a self-interference cancellation depth of 35 dB over 100-MHz bandwidth, 24 dB over 400-MHz bandwidth, and 18 dB over 1-GHz band-width in the X and Ku bands, and an image-rejection ratio larger than 53 dB over 1-GHz bandwidth in the X band. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America
ISSN No.:0146-9592
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-11-15
Co-author:Hu, Xiaopeng,Chen, Wenjuan,Ben, De,Shilong PAN
Correspondence Author:朱丹
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Main positions:Professor
Other Post:Director of National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics
Alma Mater:Tsinghua University
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering
Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering. Physical Electronics. Communications and Information Systems
Business Address:电子信息工程学院210
Contact Information:025-84892838
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