Shilong PAN
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Paper Publications
Photonic Generation of Linear-Frequency-Modulated Waveforms With Improved Time-Bandwidth Product Based on Polarization Modulation

Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院

Journal:J Lightwave Technol

Abstract:Polarization modulation of two phase-correlated, orthogonally polarized wavelengths by a parabolic waveform is a promising way to generate linear-frequency-modulated (LFM) signals, but the time-bandwidth product (TBWP) of the generated LFM signal is intrinsically limited by the achievable modulation index of the polarization modulator (PolM). In this paper, an approach to increase the TBWP of the LFM signal generated by polarization modulation is proposed and comprehensively studied by splitting the electrical parabolic waveforms into N pieces with identical amplitude. Applying the split parabolic signal to the PolM, the total equivalent phase shift would be boosted by N/2 times. As a result, the bandwidth as well as the TBWP of the generated LFM signal is increased by N/2 times. An experiment is carried out. As compared to the scheme using an unsplit parabolic signal, the TBWP is improved by more than 500 times. The relationships between the bandwidth, the time duration, and the TBWP of the generated signal with the parameters of the electrical waveform generator are discussed. © 2017 IEEE.

ISSN No.:0733-8724

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-05-15

Co-author:Zhang, Yamei,Ye, Xingwei,Guo, Qingshui,Shilong PAN

Correspondence Author:Zhang, Yamei,zfz

Personal information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Main positions:Professor

Other Post:Director of National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics


Alma Mater:Tsinghua University

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering

Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering. Physical Electronics. Communications and Information Systems

Business Address:电子信息工程学院210

Contact Information:025-84892838


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