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Strength properties and its dispersion of 2.5D-C/SiC composites


Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院

Title of Paper:Strength properties and its dispersion of 2.5D-C/SiC composites


Key Words:2.5D-C/SiC CMCs strength prediction model micro-parameters Monto-Carlo dispersion

Abstract:In this manuscript, we developed a double-scale model to predict the strength properties of 2.5D C/SiC ceramic matrix composites(CMCs), and then investigated the dispersion of its strength properties. The double-scale model involves micro-scale which take fiber/matrix/porosity in fiber tows into consideration and meso-scale which inflects the braiding structure of 2.5D C/SiC CMCs. The result of double-scale strength model find a good agreement with experiment result. The pertinence between micro-parameters and strength properties, the influence of micro-parameter on strength properties can be investigated by the proposed double scale model. Finally, the dispersion of strength properties was studied by combining double-scale strength model and Monto-Carlo method. The results show that the strength properties of 2.5D C/SiC CMCs follow normal distribution.

ISSN No.:1539-7734

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-05-04


Correspondence Author:niuxuming

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