Title of Paper:Machining of microchannel at SS316 surface using abrasive-assisted electrochemical jet machining
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Key Words:Abrasive-assisted electrochemical jet machining Electrochemical jet machining Micromachining Microchannels
Abstract:Metallic microchannels are increasingly used in fuel cell, MEMS component, cutter, and micromold due to functions of fluid feed and heat exchange. Abrasive-assisted electrochemical jet machining (AECJM) is a hybrid manufacturing technology coupling erosion and corrosion concurrently to remove metals. It shows a great potential in machining microchannels with complex patterns at metallic surface. The present work explored the feasibility of patterning complex microchannels at SS316 surface using AECJM at a condition of Al2O3 abrasives, NaNO3 solution, and DC potential. A series of microchannels were machined by AECJM to investigate the effects of process conditions on the material removal rate, machining current density, aspect ratio, and surface roughness. The results show that the anodic dissolution dominates material removal in the AECJM of SS316 at present conditions. The material removal rate nonlinearly correlates with machining current density between approximate 3 to 10 A/cm(2) due to a nonlinear relationship of current efficiency and current density. It is also shown that the anodic dissolution can be influenced positively or negatively by abrasives impingement due to the synergy of erosion and corrosion. Relatively higher abrasive dose and jet velocity result in a reduction of anodic dissolution and however an increase of abrasive erosion. The experiments of fabricating complex patterns demonstrate that AECJM has a high potential to machine microchannels at SS316 efficiently and economically.
ISSN No.:0268-3768
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-03-01
Co-author:Gao, Changshui,Zhao, Kai,Wang, Ke
Correspondence Author:lz
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