Associate Professor
Alma Mater:北京理工大学
Education Level:北京理工大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Energy and Power Engineering
Discipline:Power Machinery and Engineering. Automobile Engineering
Business Address:10-528室
Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Journal:IET Intel. Transport Syst.
Abstract:Vehicle speed prediction is quite essential for many intelligent vehicular and transportation applications. Accurate on-road vehicle speed prediction is challenging because individual vehicle speed is affected by many factors related to driver–vehicle–road–traffic system, e.g. the traffic conditions, vehicle type, and driver's behavior, in either a deterministic or stochastic way. Also machine learning makes vehicle speed predictions more accessible by exploring the potential relationship between the vehicle speed and its main factors based on the historical driving data in the context of vehicular networks. This study proposes a novel data-driven vehicle speed prediction method based on back propagation-long short-term memory (BP-LSTM) algorithms for long-term individual vehicle speed prediction along the planned route. Also Pearson correlation coefficient is adopted to analyse the correlation of driver–vehicle–road–traffic historical characteristic parameters for the enhancement of the model's computing efficiency. Finally, a real natural driving data in Nanjing is used to evaluate the prediction performance with a result that the proposed vehicle speed prediction method outperforms other ones in terms of prediction accuracy. Moreover, based on the predicted vehicle speed, this work studies and analyses its effectiveness in two scenarios of energy consumption prediction and travel time prediction. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019.
ISSN No.:1751-956X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-08-01
Co-author:Mingnuo, Chen,Zhao Wanzhong
Correspondence Author:李玉芳
李玉芳,北京理工大学车辆工程专业博士,副教授,无人系统专委委员,SAE 会员。
IET、SCIENCE CHINA、机械工程学报和北京理工大学学报等期刊评审专家。
主持/参与国家自然科学基金、江苏省省自然科学基金项目、国家重点研发项目、中国博士后基金面上项目以及国家重点实验室开放基金项目等相关课题20余项,以第一作者或通讯作者在VSD、IET 等高水平技术刊物上录用和发表论文约40 余篇,主编教材/专著4 部,以第一发明人授权或审查中发明专利20 余件。