Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院
Title of Paper:Preparation and reaction properties of Ni/Al micro-nano energetic materials
Journal:ICCM Int. Conf. Compos. Mater.
Abstract:The accumulative roll bonding (ARB) was employed to prepare micro-nanoscale Ni/Al composites from pure nickel and aluminum foils of four different thickness, and structural evolution in the composite was observed throughout the process. The microstructure and energetic properties of the fabricated Ni/Al energetic composites were then studied to determine the ARB cycles and the ratios of original thickness. The results indicated that the interlayer thickness decreased as the ARB cycles increased. With the increasing of ARB cycle, the thickness of composite became very thin and Ni layer was necked and fractured. Moreover, the intermetallic compound was not found by XRD after multi cycles, which provided the possibility of obtaining better energetic effect. What's more, with the thickness of Ni/Al interlayer decreasing, the energy density increased obviously and the initial temperature reduction of the exothermic reaction was also significant. When the initial thickness ratios of Ni foil and Al foil was 1:1.4, the energy density was 1362.5J/g, which was about 92% of the theoretical value and the initial temperature of the exothermic reaction was decreased to 320℃. © 2017 International Committee on Composite Materials. All rights reserved.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Co-author:Tang, Baotong,Wang, Mingzhi,Jie Tao,Liao, Sha,Qiu, Liangsheng,Tian, Jingming
Correspondence Author:lxz