Lu Xiong
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Haptic rendering methods for natural human-computer interaction: A review

Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院

Journal:Yi Qi Yi Biao Xue Bao

Abstract:The haptic rendering technique provides the haptic interaction between the operator and virtual environment by means of a haptic human-machine interface device, which enables the operator to touch, perceive and manipulate the virtual objects actively. The haptic rendering method enhances the realism and immersion of the virtual reality system, and further expands the application field of virtual reality technology. Traditional wearable haptic rendering devices and force feedback joystick haptic rendering devices have some limitations in portability, operating space and other aspects. As the rapid development of computer technology and consumer electronics, the haptic rendering methods for natural human-computer interaction gain wide concern. Firstly, this paper introduces the traditional haptic rendering devices, such as wearable device and force feedback joystick device. Then, the haptic rendering methods for natural human-computer interaction, including the ungrounded method and untethered method, are elaborated. After comparing and analyzing the differences of different haptic rendering methods, the future development direction of the haptic rendering methods for natural interaction is discussed. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:0254-3087

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-10-01

Co-author:Chen, Xiaoli,Sun, Haohao,Zhao, Liping

Correspondence Author:Lu Xiong

Personal information

Associate Professor

Education Level:东南大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Automation Engineering

Discipline:Measurement Technology and Instrumentation. Precision Instrument and Machinery


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