Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Experimental Study of Elastic Prestressed Ultrasonic Peen Forming on Aluminum Alloy
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Journal:Zhongguo Biaomian Gongcheng/China Surf. Eng.
Abstract:Ultrasonic shot peening is a new type of forming technology with many merits such as operability, low energy consumption and good comprehensive performance, which is widely used in sheet metal forming process. The elastic prestressed ultrasonic peen forming method was put forward due to the spherical deformation during ultrasonic peen forming process in the free state. The effects of prestressed moment, forming trajectory and plate thickness on forming curvature radius and forming performance were investigated for 2024-T351 aluminum alloy wall panel. The elastic prebending curvature was achieved by controlling the prebending curvature through the span wise direction of the plate. Results show that prestressed ultrasonic peen forming can significantly reduce the curvature radius through the span wise direction and increase the curvature radius through the chord wise direction. Meanwhile, the variation range is increased with descending prebending curvature radius. Larger residual stress and bigger influence depth of residual stress appear in prestressed ultrasonic peen forming compared with that of the free state. The surface roughness increases with ascending prebending curvature. Therefore, the elastic prestressed ultrasonic peen forming can further improve the forming curvature and decrease the spherical deformation tendency to a certain extent, which has a great significance to the forming process of plate with the large deformation, large thickness and single curvature. © 2017, Editorial Office of CHINA SURFACE ENGINEERING. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1007-9289
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-06-01
Correspondence Author:Shihong lu
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