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A Design for Band Enhanced Dielectric Absorber Based on Fractal-Like Structure

Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院


Key Words:Dielectric metamaterial absorber Bandwidth enhanced Polarization insensitive Angle insensitive

Abstract:A dielectric metamaterial absorber has been proposed, which consists of fractal-like structure and conductive sheet. The fractal-like structure is made by the high permittivity dielectric and also is covered by the conductive sheet. Absorptivity of such a dielectric metamaterial absorber is 99.1%, which can be found at 10.196GHz; meanwhile, the absorber is polarization insensitive. To enhance the bandwidth of absorber, a novel absorber also is proposed, whose bandwidth is 0.566GHz, which ranges from 9.752 to 10.318GHz, and relative bandwidth is 5.64%. The maximum absorptivity can reach to 99.8%, and the proposed absorber also is polarization insensitive. In the meantime, the absorber shows excellent performance which is incident angle insensitive; when the incident angle is increased to 70 degrees, the absorptivity is larger than 75%.

ISSN No.:1557-1955

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-10-01

Co-author:Wen, Yongdiao,Zhang, Haifeng,Wang, Lingling

Correspondence Author:Zhang, Haifeng,lsb

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Alma Mater:国防科技大学

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Electronic and Information Engineering

Discipline:Communications and Information Systems. Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technology

Business Address:学院办公楼404


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