Title of Paper:Fuzzy sliding mode control of 3-DOF shoulder joint driven by pneumatic muscle actuators
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Journal:Int J Rob Autom
Abstract:The pneumatic muscle actuator (PMA) is a new-style actuator, similar to biological muscle, which is widely applied in bionics. This paper deals with implementation of fuzzy sliding mode controller (FSMC) on bionic shoulder joint robot, which is a novel decoupled parallel robot. For the purpose of controlling robot, the kinematic and dynamic analyses of the 3-DOF shoulder joint driven by PMAs are carried out. Based on the advantages of sliding mode control (SMC) algorithm and fuzzy theory, we design FSMC to control this shoulder joint robot. Compared with sliding model controller, FSMC makes accurate compensation for the modeling errors and external disturbances. The experiments show that the designed FSMC can effectively improve the tracking accuracy of the system and reduce the chattering. © 2019 E-flow Acta Press/IASTED. All rights reserved.
ISSN No.:0826-8185
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-01-01
Co-author:Wu, Yang,Xu, Jiaqi,wyw,Ge, Zhishang,lyh
Correspondence Author:刘凯
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