Doctoral Degree in Engineering



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Business Address:新材料楼A203,A9-412



 李雪梅,南京航空航天大学研究员,国家高层次青年人才,博士生导师。总计发表SCI论文42篇,其中以一作/通讯(共同)在Nature Nanotechnology、 Advanced Functional Materials、Nano Energy、等高影响期刊上发表学术论文,SCI他引2400余次。研究成果得到美国工程院院士Michael S. Strano、加拿大工程院院士Sushanta K. Mitra等诸多国内外知名专家学者的引用和高度评价,被认为是“首次澄清了六方氮化硼的润湿半透明性 ”、“单原子层六方氮化硼是完美的涂层材料”,并且研究结果得到了大量的理论验证。被《自然-纳米技术》、Nanotechweb、光明网、科学网等国际高水平期刊、主流媒体封面推荐或专题报道。





1.   Assessing the mechanical-to-electrical energy conversion process of a droplet sliding on polytetrafluoroethylene surface. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2024, 16, 1892.

2.   Hybrid hydrovoltaic electricity generation driven by water evaporation. Nano Research Energy 2024, 3: e9120110.

3.    A clean dry transfer of hexagonal boron nitride with improved oxidation resistance. Science China Materials 2023, 66, 327-334.

4.    Portable and flexible water-evaporation-generator based on hydrogel. Science China Materials 2022,65, 2889.

5.    Boosting the output of bottom-electrode droplets energy harvester by a branched electrode. Nano Energy 2022, 95, 107024.

6. Performance and power management of droplets-based electricity generators. Nano Energy 2022, 92, 106705.

7. Wetting stability of supported graphene in ambient environment. Advanced Engineering Materials 2022, 2101283.

8.    Coating performance of hexagonal boron nitride and graphene layers. 2D Materials 2021, 8, 034002.

9.    Emerging Hydrovoltaic technology. Nature Nanotechnology 2018, 13, 1109.

10.  Wettability of supported monolayer hexagonal boron nitride in air. Advanced Functional Materials 2017, 27, 1603181.

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