受邀担任国际学术期刊英国工程技术学会期刊Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing (IET CIM, EI、ESCI收录) Associate Editor。担任《机械科学与技术》和《Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Science and Technology》期刊编委,担任《Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art》(VCIBA,EI、ESCI收录)、《南京航空航天大学学报》(中英文两刊,英文EI收录)和《制造业自动化》青年编委。
[1] Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li*, Jiaqi Hua, Zhiwei Zhao, James Gao. A causal based method for denoising non-homologous noises in time series manufacturing monitoring data[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2024, 76: 92-102.(SCI, EI)
[2] Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li*, Chong Huang, Yujie Zhao, Zhiwei Zhao. A meta-reinforcement learning method by incorporating simulation and real data for machining deformation control of finishing process[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2022: 1-15. (SCI, EI)
[3] Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li*, Jingjing Li, Jiaqi Hua. A meta-invariant feature space method for accurate tool wear prediction under cross-conditions[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022, 18(2): 922-931. (SCI, EI)
[4] Changqing Liu*, Jincheng Ni, Peng Wan. An accurate prediction method of multiple deterioration forms of tool based on multitask learning with low rank tensor constraint[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2021, 58(193-204). (SCI, EI)
[5] Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li*, Qiang Wang, WenpingMou. A synchronous association approach of geometry, process and monitoring information for intelligent manufacturing[J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2019, 58: 120-129. (SCI, EI)
[6] Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li*, Zhongyu Li. A machining feature definition approach by using two-times unsupervised clustering based on historical data for process knowledge reuse[J]. Journal of manufacturing systems, 2018, 49: 16-24. (SCI, EI)
[7] Zhiwei Zhao, Changqing Liu, Yingguang Li*, James Gao. A New Method for Inferencing and Representing a Workpiece Residual Stress Field Using Monitored Deformation Force Data[J]. Engineering, 2022. (SCI, EI)
[8] JiaQi Hua, Yingguang Li *, Changqing Liu, Peng Wan, Xu Liu. Physics-Informed Neural Networks With Weighted Losses by Uncertainty Evaluation for Accurate and Stable Prediction of Manufacturing Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023. (SCI, EI)
[9] Yingguang Li*, Changqing Liu, Xiaozhong Hao, James X. Gao, Paul G. Maropoulos. Responsive fixture design using dynamic product inspection and monitoring technologies for the precision machining of large-scale aerospace parts[J]. CIRP Annals, 2015, 64(1): 173-176. (SCI, EI)
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
Discipline:Aeronautical and Astronautical Manufacturing Engineering
Business Address:机电学院15-545
Contact Information:liuchangqing@nuaa.edu.cn
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