Language : 中文
  • Personal Information

    Associate Professor
    Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
    Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
    Education Level:南京航空航空大学
    Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
    Discipline:探测与成像. Physical Electronics. Electromagnetic Fields and Microwave Technology. 电子科学与技术
    Business Address:电子信息工程学院楼512室
    Contact Information:13770506874
  • Personal Profile


              主要从事基于人工表面等离激元的新型微波毫米波功能器件和系统的物理机制、设计与仿真、制备与实验等方面的应用基础研究,主持国家自然科学基金、装备预研领域基金等项目20余项。近五年在Advanced Science、Advanced Optical  Materials、Physics Review Applied、IEEE TMTT/TAP等国际期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,授权国家发明专利10余项。

          现为江苏省科技咨询专家、中国通信学会高级会员、中国电子学会会员、IEEE Member、IEEE TMTT/TAP/TEMC/TIM等20多个国际SCI期刊审稿人。荣获江苏省优秀博士学位论文、南航优秀博士学位伦文、中国电子学会自然科学二等奖、中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖、南航长空学者人才计划(长空之星)、首届江苏省青年科技创新“U35攀峰”创新人才。


    (一)、主要研究方向:1. 电磁超材料




    2. 天线与电磁兼容




    1. 江苏省优秀博士学位论文(2018年);

    2. 南京航空航天大学优秀博士学位论文(2018年);

    3. 中国电子学会自然科学二等奖(2019年);

    4. 南京航空航天大学长空学者计划(2020年);

    5. 首届江苏省青年科技创新“U35攀峰”创新人才(2022年);

    6. 中国产学研合作创新成果奖二等奖(2023年)

    7. 南京环境科学学会生态环境科学技术奖二等奖(2024年)




    1. 认同团队的核心精神:(1)勤奋;(2)创新;(3)协作。

    2. 在以下学科领域之一中受到过良好培养:电子科学与技术、电磁场与微波技术,电子信息类、物理与光学类、数学类、计算机编程类等。

    3. 具有良好的英文阅读和写作能力,拥有出色研究成果的将优先考虑。

    4. 招生名额:博士生1~2名,硕士生2~3名。


    1. IEEE Member,中国通信学会高级会员,中国电子学会会员,国家自然科学基金涵评专家(信息学科),江苏省科技咨询专家,广东省基础与应用基础研究基金项目评审专家

    2. SCI期刊审稿人:Advanced Functional Materials; ACS Applied Nano Materials; Advanced Materials Technologies; AAAS Research; Advanced Theory and Simulations; Applied Physics Letters; Optics Express; Optics Letters; Progress in Electromagnetic Research-PIER; IEEE Access; IEEE Transactions on MTT/AP/EMC/Instrumentation & Measurement; Scientific Reports; Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics; Journal of Optics; Journal of Applied Physics, et al.. 

    3. Session organizer for conference session Nonlinear and spatiotemporal metamaterials/metasurfaces,” 2024 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP Nanjing, 2024)

    4. Guest editor for special issue “Design and applications of reconfigurable antenna for 5G communication,” Electronics, 2024

    5. Session organizer for conference session “Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons and Application” 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM Nanjing, 2024)

    6. Organizing committee member (Financial Chair) for 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics (ICCEM Nanjing, 2024)


    1. 2021年-2023年,电子信息科学与技术专业0419103班班主任;

    2. 2023年-至今,电子信息科学与技术专业0423005班班主任;

    3. 2021年-至今,《电路分析》 (Circuit Analysis) ,本科生专业基础课,中文教学,56学时;

    4. 2022年-至今,《人工电磁材料设计 》(Design of Electromagnetic Metamaterial),研究生专业选修课,中英文教学,32学时;


    [68]Ru Wang, Wenjun Xia, Dongjue Liu, Liangliang Liu*, Qian Xu*, Peng Hu, Yu Luo, and Zhuo Li*, All-Metal Coding Metasurface Stirrers for Next Generation Reverberation Chambers: Breaking Lowest Usable Frequency and Working Volume Limitations, Electromagnetic Science, 2025. (Under Review)

    [67]Yukun Yang#, Hao Hu#,*Liangliang Liu#, Yihao Yang, Youxiu Yu, Yang Long, Xuezhi Zheng, Francisco J. Garcia-Vidal, Yu Luo*, and Zhuo Li*, Topologically protected edge states in time photonic crystals with chiral symmetry, ACS Photonics2025. (Publish online)  (SCI, IF=6.5, 中科院1区行业Top期刊)

    [66] Hongyi Li, Haobin Hu, Zixiang Zhou, Jindi Huang, Fuheng Wang, Hao Hu*, Zhuo Li*, and Liangliang Liu*, Highly Compact and Robust Filters Enabled by Effective Localized Surface Plasmonic Resonance, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2025.(In revision)

    [65] Peng Hu*, Fujun Deng, Kai Guo, Shengyan Chen, Ru Wang, Liangliang Liu, and Zhuo Li, Theoretical Estimation on Maximum-to-Maximum Ratio of the Total Electric Field to Its Rectangular Component Within Reverberation Chambers, IEEE Transactions on  Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2025. (under review)

    [64]Peng Hu*, Zhongyuan Zhou, Liangliang Liu, and Zhuo Li, A Bootstrap Estimator for Stirring Bandwidth of a Frequency-Stirred Chamber, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2025. (under review)

    [63]Peng Hu*, Zhongyuan Zhou, Zhiheng Zhang, Wei Hua, Xinkai Zhu, Liangliang Liu, and Zhuo Li, On Magnetic Shielding Performance Evaluation of Dewar System for High-Temperature Superconducting Machines, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2025. (under review)

    [62] Yaoran Zhang, Jian Ling, Yuying Jiang, Zhepeng Fu, Hao Hu, Liangliang Liu*,  Yu Luo*, and Zhuo Li*, A Compact Reconfigurable Orbital Angular Momentum Antenna Based on A Single Spoof Localized Surface Plasmonic Resonator, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2025. (In revision)

    [61]Hongyi Li, Liangliang Liu*, Lingyun Niu, Lepeng Zhang, Dan Shen, Hao Hu, Haochi Zhang, Yu Luo, and Zhuo Li*, Ultra-Wideband and Miniaturized Waveguide Bandpass Filter Based on Effective Surface Plasmon Polaritons, Physical Review Applied, 2025. (Publish online) 

    [60] Youxiu Yu, Dongliang Gao*, Yukun Yang, Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Qianru Yang, Haotian Wu, Linyang Zou, Xiao Lin, Jiang Xiong, Songyan Hou, Lei Gao*, and Hao Hu*, Generalized coherent wave control at dynamic interfaces,  Laser & Photonics Reviews, 202400399 (2024).  (SCI, IF=9.8, 中科院1区行业Top期刊,两江科技等报道)

    [59]Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Spoof SPP transmission lines, Journal of Physics: Photonics, in Tie Jun Cui, Shuang Zhang, Andrea Alù, Martin Wegener, Sir John Pendry, et al., Roadmap on electromagnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces,  6, 032502, 2024. (invited paper)

    [58]Yaoran Zhang, Hao Hu, F. J. García-Vidal, Jingjing Zhang, Liangliang Liu*, Yu Luo*, and Zhuo Li*, Reconfigurable Exceptional Point-based Sensing with 0.001λ Sensitivity Using Spoof Localized Surface Plasmons, Advanced Photonics Nexus, 3(5), 056004, 2024.  (SCI, SPIE News,, EurekAlert!,,,,,, 中国激光杂志社等重点报道)

    [57]Manlai Ding, Xuemei Wang*, Yinshen Wang, Qinghai Dong, Li Tang, Jiameng Qu, Liangliang Liu, Chong Song and Bingnan Wang*, First Demonstration of Metamaterial Modulated Tag Localization and Imaging Based on K-Band FMCW Mini-SAR System, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 72, No. 10, 2024. (SCI, IF=4.38, 中科院1区行业Top期刊)

    [56] Huachen Xue, Liangliang Liu*, Hui Cong, Zhepeng Fu, Zhengtao Zhu, Dan Shen, Zhuo Li*, Low-profile reconfigurable saline water-based ultrawideband metamaterial absorber, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57, 145102 (9pp), 2024.  (SCI, IF=3.4)

    [55] Shuying Li, Liangliang Liu*, Yuying Jiang, Huijuan Dai, Chunzi Tang, Guodong Han, Changqing Gu*, Zhuo Li*, High-Performance Low-Profile Green Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Material for 5G mm-wave Using Characteristic Mode Theory, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57, 145103 (10pp), 2024. (SCI, IF=3.4)

    [54]Xinhua Li, Liangliang Liu*, Yaoran Zhang, Guodong Han, Helin Yang, Hao Hu* and Zhuo Li*, Hybridization of Localized Spoof Plasmonic Skyrmions and its Application in Micro-displacement Sensing, Advanced Optical Materials, 2302744, 2023.  (SCI, IF=8.0Advanced Science News重点报道)

    [53] Liangliang Liu*, Jinrui Shen and Zhuo Li, Tuning Magneto-Electric Coherent Resonance with a Deep-Subwavelength Localized Spoof Surface Plasmonic Structure, Optics Letters, Vol.48, No.3,2023. (SCI, IF=3.6)

    [52] Zixiang Zhou, Liangliang Liu*, Xinhua Li, Jinrui Shen, Guodong Han, and Zhuo Li*, A Compact Dual-passband Filter based on Quarter Wavelength ELSPs Resonators, ACES Journal, vol. 37, no. 10, pp. 1031–1038, 2023. (SCI)

    [51] Yuying Jiang, Liangliang Liu*, Shuying Li, Chunzi Tang, Zhengzhi Luo, Zhengtao Zhu, Yuxiang Cao, Changqing Gu, Zhuo Li*Highly Efficient Decoupled Triple-channel OAM Generation with a Single-layer Shared Aperture Reflective Metasurface, Advanced Optical Materials, 11, 2202071, 2023.

    [50] Shuying Li, Yuying Jiang, Liyan Zhu, Huijuan Dai, Chunzi Tang, LiangliangLiu*, Changqing Gu*, and Zhuo Li*, Multifunctional Green Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Material for Sub-6GHz Band, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 11, 5632–5640, 2022. (SCI, IF=4.7)

    [49] Liangliang Liu* and Zhuo Li, Spoof Surface Plasmons Arising from Corrugated Metal Surface to Structural Dispersion Waveguide, Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER, vol.173, 93-127, 2022. (SCI, IF=6.7, 中科院1区期刊)

    [48] Xinhua Li, Liangliang Liu*, Zixiang Zhou, Jinrui Shen, Yaoran Zhang, Guodong Han and Zhuo Li*, Highly Sensitive and Topologically Robust Multimode Sensing on Spoof Plasmonic Skyrmions, Advanced Optical Materials, 2200331, 2022. (SCI, IF=8.0, Advanced Science News重点报道)

    [47] Shuying Li, Liangliang Liu*, Yuying Jiang, Chunzi Tang, Changqing Gu* and Zhuo Li*, Ultra-thin microwave metamaterial absorber arising broadband electromagnetic shielding window with ultrahigh optical transmittance, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 32(11): e23338,2022. (SCI, IF=1.98)

    [46] Yaru Yu, Liangliang Liu*, Qi Jiang, Yufan Zhao, Yaoran Zhang, Yu Luo, Changqing Gu, and Zhuo Li*, Ultracompact Effective Localized Surface Plasmonic Bandpass Filter for 5G Applications,IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.69, Issue 4, pp. 2220-2228, 2021. (SCI, IF=4.38, 中科院1区行业Top期刊)

    [45] Shuying Li, Liangliang Liu*, Yuying Jiang, Chunzi Tang, Changqing Gu* and Zhuo Li*, Ultrathin Optically Transparent Metamaterial Absorber for Broadband Microwave Invisibility of Solar Panels, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55, 045101, 2021. (SCI, IF=3.4IOP公众号《编辑优选》重点报道)

    [44] Qi Jiang , Yaru Yu , Yufan Zhao , Yaoran Zhang , Liangliang Liu* , and Zhuo Li*, Ultra-Compact Effective Localized Surface Plasmonic Sensor for Permittivity Measurement of Aqueous Ethanol Solution With High SensitivityIEEE Transactions on  Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 70, No. 6008709, 2021. (SCIIF=5.3)

    [43] Yufan Zhao, Shuying Li, Yuying Jiang, Changqing Gu, Liangliang Liu*,and Zhuo Li*, An ultra-wideband and wide-angle optically transparent flexible microwave metamaterial absorber, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (2021) 275101 (8pp). (SCI, IF=3.4)

    [42] Lin Zhou, Liangliang Liu, and Zhongxiang Shen*, High-Performance Energy Selective Surface Based on the Double-Resonance Concept, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 69, No. 11,pp.7658-7666, 2021. (SCI, IF=5.7中科院1区期刊)

    [17] Xinxin Gao, Jingjing Zhang,* Hao Chi Zhang, Liangliang Liu, Qian Ma, Peng Xu, and Tie Jun Cui* , Dynamic Controls of Second-Harmonic Generations in Both Forward and Backward Modes Using Reconfigurable Plasmonic Metawaveguide, Advanced Optical Materials,1902058(1-8), 2020. (SCI, IF=8.0)

    [16] Liangliang Liu*, Li Ran, Huadong Guo, Xinlei Chen, Zhuo Li, Broadband Plasmonic Circuitry Enabled by Channel Domino Spoof Plasmons, Progress In Electromagnetic Research-PIER, 164, 109-118, 2019. (SCI, IF=6.7中科院1区期刊)

    [15] Zhuo Li#, Liangliang Liu#, Antonio I Fernández-Domínguez, Jianfeng Shi, Changqing Gu, Francisco J García-Vidal, Yu Luo, Mimicking Localized Surface Plasmons with Structural Dispersion, Advanced Optical Materials, 7,10, 1970036, 2019. (期刊封面文章,Highlited on the Front Cover)

    [14] Hao Hu, Liangliang Liu*, Xiao Hu, Dongjue Liu, Dongliang Gao, Routing emission with a multi-channel nonreciprocal waveguide, Photonics Research, 7,6,642-646, 2019. (SCI, IF=7.6中科院1区Top期刊)

    [13] Liangliang Liu, Lin Wu, Jingjing Zhang, Zhuo Li*, Baile Zhang*, Yu Luo*, Backward Phase Matching for Second Harmonic Generation in Negative-Index Conformal Surface Plasmonic Metamaterials. Advanced Science, 1800661, 2018. (SCI, IF=17.8中科院1区Top期刊)

    [12] Jianfeng Shi, Zhuo Li*, Liangliang Liu*, Kuan Wang, Changqing Gu, Lateral dimension tuned ultra-low loss effective surface plasmonic waveguide, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018 (SCI, IF=3.4)

    [11] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li*, Bingzheng Xu, Changqing Gu, Xinlei Chen, Hengyi Sun, Yongjin Zhou, Quan Qing, Ping Shum, Yu LuoUltra-Low Loss High-Contrast Gratings based Spoof Surface Plasmonic WaveguideIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.65, Issue 6, pp. 2008-2018, 2017. (SCI, IF=4.38, 中科院1区行业Top期刊)

    [10] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Bingzheng Xu, Jia Xu, Chen Chen, Changqing Gu, Fishbone-like high-efficiency low-pass plasmonic filter based on double-layered conformal surface plasmons, Plasmonics, Vol.12, Issue 2, pp.439-444, 2017. (SCI, IF=3.0)

    [9] Zhuo Li, Liangliang Liu, Hengyi Sun, Yunhe Sun, Changqing Gu, Xinlei Chen, Yun Liu, Yu Luo, Effective surface plasmon polaritons induced by modal dispersion in a waveguide, Physical Review Applied, 7,4, 044028, 2017. (SCI, IF=4.6Research Highlight in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,表面等离激元领域的重要突破)

    [8] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Pingping Ning, Bingzheng Xu, Chen Chen, Jia Xu, Xinlei Chen, Changqing Gu, Deep-subwavelength Guiding and Superfocusing of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Helically Grooved Metal Wire, Plasmonics, Vol.11, Issue 2, pp.359-364,2016. (SCI, IF=3.0)

    [7] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li*, Bingzheng Xu, Pingping Ning, Chen Chen, Jia Xu, Xinlei Chen, Changqing Gu, Dual-band trapping of spoof surface plasmon polaritons and negative group velocity realization through microstrip line with gradient holes, Applied Physics Letters, 107, 153222, 2015. (SCI, IF=4.0)

    [6] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Changqing Gu, Bingzheng Xu, Pingping Ning, Chen Chen, Jian Yan, Zhenyi Niu, Yongjiu Zhao, Smooth bridge between guided waves and spoof surface plasmon polaritons, Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 8, pp. 1810-1813, 2015. (SCI, IF=3.6)

    [5] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Bingzheng Xu, Changqing Gu, Chen Chen, Pingping Ning, Jian Yan, Xingyu Chen, High-efficiency transition between rectangular waveguide and domino plasmonic waveguide, AIP Advances, 5, 027105, 2015. (SCI, IF=1.6)

    [4] Liang-liang Liu, Zhuo Li, Chang-qing Gu, Ping-ping Ning, Bing-zheng Xu, Zhen-yi Niu, Yong-jiu Zhao, A corrugated perfect magnetic conductor surface supporting spoof surface magnon polaritons, Optics Express, Vol.22, Iss. 9, pp.10675-10681, 2014. (SCIIF=3.8)

    [3] Liangliang Liu, Zhuo Li, Changqing Gu, Pingping Ning, Bingzheng Xu, Zhenyi Niu, Yongjiu Zhao, Multi-channel composite spoof surface plasmon polaritons propagating along periodically corrugated metallic thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 116,013501, 2014. (SCIIF=3.2)

    [2] Liang Liang Liu, Zhuo Li, Jian Yan, Chang Qing Gu, Simplication Method for Modeling Crosstalk of Multicoaxial Cable Bundles, Progress in Electromagnetic Research, Vol.135, pp.281-296, 2013. (SCI, IF=6.7中科院1区期刊)

    [1] Liang Liang Liu, Zhuo Li, Jian Yan, Chang Qing Gu, Application of the “Equivalent Cable Bundle Method” for Modeling Crosstalk of Complex Cable Bundles within Uniform Structure with Arbirary Cross-SectionProgress in Electromagnetic Research, Vol.141, pp.135-148, 2013. (SCI, IF=6.7中科院1区期刊)



  • Research Field

    [1] 人工表面等离激元
    [2] 超材料天线
    [3] 电磁超表面和编码超表面
    [4] 电磁兼容
  • Social Affiliations

    [1]  2017.4- Now
    IEEE Member、中国电子学会会员
  • Education Background

    [1]  2013.4- 2017.3
    南京航空航天大学 | 通信与信息系统 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctoral Degree in Engineering
  • Work Experience

    [1]  2016.3- 2016.9
    新加坡南洋理工大学 | 电气与电子工程学院 | 博士联合培养
    [2]  2020.11- Now
    南京航空航天大学 | 电子信息工程学院 | 副研究员 | 副研究员
    [3]  2017.11- 2019.10
    新加坡南洋理工大学 | 电气与电子工程学院 | 博士后研究员
    [4]  2017.3- 2020.11
    南京信息工程大学 | 电子与信息工程学院 | 特聘副教授 | 特聘副教授
  • Research Group

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