Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院
Title of Paper:Influence of laser parameters and complex structural features on the bio-inspired complex thin-wall structures fabricated by selective laser melting
Key Words:Additive manufacturing Selective laser melting Thin-wall structures BM-inspired Lobster-eye AlSi10Mg
Abstract:The lobster-eye structure exhibits unique optical performance and finds its application in aerospace. However, the lobster-eye structure is highly complex and hard to process using traditional subtractive manufacturing methods. In this work, complex thin-wall structures, inspired by the lobster eye, were fabricated by selective laser melting (SLM) with AlSi10Mg powder. The influence of key laser parameter, namely laser power, on the densification behavior, dimensional accuracy, surface roughness and forming defect of SLM-processed lobster parts was systematically investigated. Particular emphasis was placed on the impact of laser power and structural features on the inner surface roughness. Results revealed that the relative density of SLM-processed lobster eye parts exhibited a similar trend with bulk parts against the laser power. The small dimension feature of thin wall structures contributed to the higher relative density of lobster-eye parts comparing with that of bulk parts. The roughness of inner surfaces and outside surfaces showed completely different responds to the laser power, and the inner surface morphology behaved differently among positions. All these special surface phenomena were contributed to the combined impact of the laser parameter and the particular geometry of the lobster-eye structure. Finally, considering the optical function and post-processing, an optimal laser power was determined for the SLM-processing of lobster-eye components.
Note:卷: 267 页: 34-43
ISSN No.:0924-0136
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-05-01