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Aperiodic linear array pattern optimization based on vector mapping and harmony search algorithm

Date of Publication:2017-01-01 Hits:

Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Journal:IET Conf Publ
Abstract:To come up with the problem of designing aperiodic linear arrays with multiple constraints, a pattern synthesis technique based on vector mapping and Improved Harmony Search (IHS) Algorithm is proposed to reduce the peak side-lobe level (PSLL) of the array. The constraints include the number of elements, the array aperture, and the minimum and the maximum distance between neighboring elements. On the condition that the feasible solution space remains unchangeable, a special vector mapping is applied between the element spacings and the initial variables. Thus, the constrained optimization problem is simply transformed to a non-constrained problem with greater degree of freedom (DoF). Design case found in the literature is simulated to compare the performance of these algorithms. Simulation results reveal the high efficiency, robustness and low computation cost of the proposed method. © 2017 Institution of Engineering and Technology. All rights reserved.
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-01
Co-author:Jin, Can,Cao, Aihua,L00178,Jianjiang Zhou
Correspondence Author:Jin, Can,lhl