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Main positions:校学术委员会委员,校教学委员会委员
Other Post:江苏省翻译协会常务理事,江苏省外国语言学会理事,外语教学技术专委会理事
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Literature
School/Department:College of Foreign Languages

Liu Changjiang



Education Level:上海外国语大学

Alma Mater:四川大学,上海外国语大学

Education Background

Current position: Home / Education Background

[1]  1985.7 to 1988.7
汤池中学  | 文科  | 普通高中毕业
[2]  2007.7 to 2014.3
上海外国语大学  | 英语语言文学  | Doctoral Degree in Literature  | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
[3]  1997.9 to 2001.6
上海师范大学  | 英语语言文学  | Master's Degree in Literature  | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
[4]  1988.9 to 1992.7
四川大学  | 英语语言文学  | Bachelor's Degree in Literature  | University graduated