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  • 李斌斌 ( 副教授 )

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    材料科学与工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 材料科学与技术学院
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论文成果 当前位置: 中文主页 >> 科学研究 >> 论文成果
Secrecy versus computation overhead for wireless networks in the face of co-channel interference

发表刊物:IEEE Trans Commun
摘要:In this paper, we analyze the secrecy outage probability and computation overhead of a multi-user multi-eavesdropper wireless system which is composed of one cluster head (CH) transmitting to multiple users, while multiple eavesdroppers attempt to tap the transmission from CH to multiple users in the presence of co-channel interference (CCI). To achieve high security and low computation overhead, we present two multi-user scheduling schemes, namely, the switch-and-examine combining with post-selection user scheduling (SECpsUS) scheme and the selection combining-based user scheduling (SCbUS) scheme. For the purpose of comparison, the conventional round-robin scheduling (RRS) is also considered as a benchmark scheme. Furthermore, we derive closed-form secrecy outage probability expressions and analyze computation overheads for the conventional RRS, SCbUS, and SECpsUS schemes. Numerical results and Monte Carlo simulations are provided to verify the correctness of our theoretical secrecy outage analysis and to demonstrate the effect of CCI on the system performance. It is shown that the SECpsUS and SCbUS schemes outperform the conventional RRS scheme in terms of their secrecy outage probabilities, where SCbUS achieves the best secrecy outage performance but at cost of the highest computation overhead, while the conventional RRS scheme has no computation overhead with the worst secrecy performance. Moreover, a flexible tradeoff between the secrecy outage performance and computation overhead can be achieved by the proposed SECpsUS scheme by adjusting a so-called switching threshold. In addition, as the number of users increases, the secrecy outage performance of the SECpsUS and SCbUS is improved significantly, whereas no secrecy benefit is achieved by the conventional RRS scheme. © 1972-2012 IEEE.
合写作者:Li, Bin,周建江,Zou, Yulong,汪飞,Cao, Weifeng
通讯作者:Li, Bin,Zou, Yulong,李斌斌


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