Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Key Words:Absorber Graphene Photonic crystal Transfer matrix method
Abstract:A new design for a tunable multichannel compact absorber, which is achieved by using an asymmetric photonic crystal with graphene monolayers, is theoretically proposed. The graphene monolayers are periodically embedded into the first and last dielectric layers. The absorption, reflection, and transmission spectra of the absorber are studied numerically. A perfect absorption channel is achieved because of impedance matching, and channel number can be modulated by changing periodic number. The characteristic properties of the absorption channel depend on graphene conductivity, which can be controlled via the gate voltage. The proposed structure works as a perfect absorber that is independent from polarization. It has potential applications in the design of multichannel filters, thermal detectors, and electromagnetic wave energy collectors. (C) 2016 Elsevier BY. All rights reserved.
ISSN No.:0030-4018
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-01-15
Co-author:Shi, Xiang-zhu,Mo, Jin-jun,Fang, Yun-tuan,F70206396,lsb
Correspondence Author:Xiangkun Kong
Date of Publication:2017-01-15
Xiangkun Kong
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Tunable multichannel absorber composed of graphene and doped periodic structures
Date of Publication:2017-01-15 Hits: