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1 2018年,国防科学技术奖一等奖机载***成像和高精度地面动目标检测技术,排名第4

2 2019年,国家科技进步二等奖机载***成像和高精度地面动目标检测技术,排名第5


1孔繁锵; 胡可迪; 李丹; 赵瞬民 ; 一种基于空谱特征分离提取的多光谱图像压缩方法及系统, 2023- 10-27, 中国, ZL202011493869.6;

2孔繁锵; 温珂瑶; 李丹; 周永波; 赵瞬民; 胡可迪 ; 一种基于深度去噪自编码网络的高光谱图像解混 方法, 2023-10-3, 中国, ZL201911188298.2;

3)孔繁锵; 沈秋; 卞陈鼎; 仲伟志; 王丹丹 ; 一种基于MFOCUSS和低秩表示的高光谱图像稀疏解混方法, 2019-6-18, 中国, ZL201610141752.9;





















1)        Fanqiang Kong, Mengyue Chen, Yunsong Li, Dan Li, Yuhan Zheng, Deep Interpretable Fully CNN Structure for Sparse Hyperspectral Unmixing via Model-driven and Data-driven Integration, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , 2023, vol.61. (2023, SCI期刊)

2)        Fanqiang Kong, Yuhan Zheng, Dan Li, Yunsong Li, Mengyue Chen,Window Transformer Convolutional Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Sparse Unmixing, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023, vol.20. (2023, SCI期刊)

3)        Dan Li, Yuan Shen, Fangqiang Kong , et al. Spectral–Spatial Prototype Learning-Based Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Hyperspectral Images, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , 2023, vol.61. (2023, SCI期刊)

4)        Fanqiang Kong, Tongbo CaoYunsong LiDan LiKedi Hu: Multi-scale spatial-spectral attention network for multispectral image compression based on variational autoencoder. Signal Processing. 198: 108589 (2022, SCI期刊)

5)        Fanqiang Kong, Kedi Hu, Yunsong Li, Dan Li, Xin Liu, Tariq S. Durrani: A Spectral-Spatial Feature Extraction Method With Polydirectional CNN for Multispectral Image Compression. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 15: 2745-2758 (2022, SCI期刊)

6)        Fanqiang Kong, Mengyue Chen, Yunsong Li, Dan Li: A Global Spectral-Spatial Feature Learning Network for Semisupervised Hyperspectral Unmixing. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 15: 3190-3203 (2022, SCI期刊)

7)        Yujian Wang, Dan Li, Hanjie Wu, Xiaojun Li, Fanqiang Kong, Qiang Wang: Multiple Spectral-Spatial Representation Based on Tensor Decomposition for HSI Anomaly Detection. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens. 15: 3539-3551 (2022, SCI期刊)

8)        Fanqiang Kong, Shunmin Zhao, Yunsong Li, Dan Li: End-to-end multispectral image compression framework based on adaptive multiscale feature extraction. J. Electronic Imaging 30(1): 013010 (2021, SCI期刊)

9)        Fanqiang Kong, Kedi Hu, Yunsong Li, Dan Li, Shunmin Zhao: Spectral-Spatial Feature Partitioned Extraction Based on CNN for Multispectral Image Compression. Remote. Sens. 13(1): 9 (2021, SCI期刊)

10)    Dan Li, Fanqiang Kong, Jiahang Liu,et al. Superpixel-Based Multiple Statistical Feature Extraction Method for Classification of Hyperspectral Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing , 59(10):8738-8753. ( 2021, SCI期刊)

11)    Hanjie Wu, Dan Li, Yujian Wang, Xiaojun Li, Fanqiang Kong, Qiang Wang: Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Two-Branch Spectral-Spatial-Feature Attention Network. Remote. Sens. 13(21): 4262 (2021, SCI期刊)

12)    Dan Li, Fanqiang Kong, Qiang Wang: Hyperspectral image classification via nonlocal joint kernel sparse representation based on local covariance. Signal Process. 180: 107865 (2021, SCI期刊)

13)    Dan Li, Qiang Wang, Fanqiang Kong: Adaptive kernel sparse representation based on multiple feature learning for hyperspectral image classification. Neurocomputing 400: 97-112 (2020, SCI期刊)

14)    Dan Li, Qiang Wang, Fanqiang Kong: Superpixel-feature-based multiple kernel sparse representation for hyperspectral image classification. Signal Process. 176: 107682 (2020)

15)    Fanqiang Kong; Shunmin Zhao; Yunsong Li; Dan Li; Yongbo Zhou; A residual network framework based on weighted feature channels for multispectral image compression, Ad Hoc Networks, 2020, 107: 0-102272.(SCI期刊)

16)    Fanqiang Kong; Kedi Hu; Yunsong Li; Dan Li; Shunmin Zhao; Spectral-Spatial Feature Partitioned Extraction Based on CNN for Multispectral Image Compression, remote sensing, 2020, 13(9): 1-21.(SCI期刊)

17)    Fanqiang Kong, Shunmin Zhao, Yunsong Li, Dan Li, End-to-End Multispectral Image Compression Framework Based on Adaptive Multiscale Feature Extraction, J. of Electronic Imaging, 2021,30(1):013010.(SCI期刊)

18)    Fanqiang Kong, Chending Bian, Yunsong Li, et al. Dictionary-aided hyperspectral unmixing based on constrained l 2, q – l 2, p, optimization. Digital Signal Processing, 2018, 73:117-127.(SCI期刊)

19)    Fanqiang Kong,  Yunsong Li,Wenjun Guo, Regularized MSBL algorithm with spatial correlation for sparse hyperspectral unmixing. Journal of Visual Communication & Image Representation, 2016, 40:525-537.(SCI期刊)

20)    Fanqiang Kong, Wenjun Guo, Yunsong Li, et al. Backtracking-Based Simultaneous Orthogonal Matching Pursuit for Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Data. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015. pp.1-18.(SCI期刊)

21)    孔繁锵郭文骏沈秋,复合正则化联合稀疏贝叶斯学习的高光谱稀疏解混算法红外与毫米波学报, 2016, 35(2):219-226.(SCI期刊)

22)    孔繁锵周永波沈秋等基于卷积神经网络的端到端多光谱图像压缩方法中国激光, 2019, 46(10):1009001.

23)    Kong fanqiang, Wu xianyun. An Improved Distributed Source Coding and ROI Coding-Based Interferometric Multi-Spectral Image Compression Algorithm, Journal of Astronautics, 2011, vol.32, no.2, pp:367-373(EI期刊)

24)    孔繁锵,井庆丰,计振兴,基于帧间预测和联合优化的干涉多光谱图像压缩感知重建算法,南京航空航天大学学报,2013年,第46卷,第2期,第225-231

25)    孔繁锵,计振兴,井庆丰,基于谱间去相关模型的迭代硬阈值重构算法,中国激光,2012年,第39卷,第B06期,第360-365页,(EI期刊)

26)    孔繁锵,结合HVS和相似性度量的图像质量评价测度,中国图象图形学报,2011,第16卷,第7期,第1184-1191页,(重要核心期刊)

27)    孔繁锵,李云松,吴成柯,雷杰大孔径静态干涉多光谱图像压缩算法,宇航学报,20076月,第28卷,第6期,第1693-1697页。(EI期刊)

28)    孔繁锵,李云松,王柯俨,庄怀宇,基于码率预分配的JPEG2000自适应率控制算法,电子与信息学报,20091月,第31卷,第1期,第66-70页。(EI期刊)

29)    孔繁锵,李云松,吴成柯,王柯俨,基于优先扫描和最小斜率丢弃的JPEG2000优化率控制算法,系统工程与电子技术,20081月,第30卷,第1期,第176-180页。(EI期刊)

30)    李云松,孔繁锵,吴成柯,雷杰,基于分布式信源编码的干涉多光谱图像压缩,光学学报,20088月,第28卷,第8期,第1463-1468页。

31)    孔繁锵,井庆丰,计振兴,图像压缩感知的自适应方向提升稀疏表示及重构算法,宇航学报,2013年,第34卷,第1期,第121-127页,(EI期刊)



  • Educational Experience
  • Work Experience
2004-3 | 2008-12
  • 西安电子科技大学
  • 信息与通信工程(信号与信息处理)
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Doctoral Degree in Engineering

2002-8 | 2005-3
  • 西安电子科技大学
  • 通信与信息系统
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates
  • Master's Degree in Engineering

1998-9 | 2002-7
  • 西安电子科技大学
  • 光电子技术
  • University graduated
  • Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

1995-9 | 1998-7
  • 浙江省宁海县宁海中学
  • 普通高中毕业
  • 无学位

  • Social Affiliations
  • Research Focus
Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates


Alma Mater:西安电子科技大学

Education Level:西安电子科技大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Astronautics

Discipline:Communications and Information Systems

Business Address:航天学院D11楼403室


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