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Research on Vehicle Rollover Warning Based on Secondary Predictive Lateral Load Transfer Ratio


Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院

Title of Paper:Research on Vehicle Rollover Warning Based on Secondary Predictive Lateral Load Transfer Ratio

Journal:Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng

Abstract:Accurate warning might effectively reduce vehicle rollover accidents. To solve the contradiction between model complexity and warning accuracy of algorithm of vehicle rollover warning, a rollover warning method based on secondary predictive lateral load transfer ratio for vehicles was proposed herein. A linear three-degrees-of-freedom dynamics model of sport utility vehicle(SUV) rollovers was established to calculate the lateral load transfer ratio, the primary predictive lateral load transfer ratio, and the secondary predictive lateral load transfer ratio using the dynamics theory of vehicle rollovers. Then, the theoretical solution of time to rollover of the vehicles was deduced from the secondary predictive lateral load transfer ratio. Furthermore, the characteristics of time to rollover(TTR) were demonstrated by simulations of SUV at high-speed under both tripped and untripped rollover conditions. The results show that the proposed rollover warning method based on the secondary predictive lateral load transfer ratio may accurately calculate TTR. Therefore, the active safety of vehicle rollover prevention may effectively be improved. © 2019, China Mechanical Engineering Magazine Office. All right reserved.

ISSN No.:1004-132X

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-08-10

Co-author:Yan, Zhenghua

Correspondence Author:Jin Zhilin

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