Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Title of Paper:Rollover Stability and Control of In-wheel Motor Drive Electric Vehicles
Journal:Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng
Abstract:To figure out the nonℋlinear relationship between the unsprung mass and rollover stability of inℋwheel motor drive electric vehicles,the effects of the unsprung mass on rollover stability in different road excitations were analyzed and an antiℋrollover control strategy was investigated. First,taking the characteristics of fourℋwheel independent drive into consideration, the rollover dynamics vehiclemodels including the active suspension were established,and the rollover index suitable for uneven road was determined. Next,taking an inℋwheel motor drive SUV as an example,the effects of unsprung mass on the vehicle roll stability were verified respectively. Finally,hierarchical controllers were designed based on the distributions of the four wheels driving torques. And some simulation tests with typical maℋnoeuvres were also conducted to evaluate the proposed control method. The results show that,the unℋsprung mass and the rollover stability form a normal distribution on flat road,however,once existing road excitation,there is complex coupling relationship among the effects of unsprung mass and rolloverstability. With the hierarchical rollover prevention controller,the vehicle rollover maybe avoided effectively. © 2018, China Mechanical Engineering Magazine Office. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1004-132X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-08-10
Co-author:Chen, Guoyu,Zhao Wanzhong
Correspondence Author:Jin Zhilin