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Multi-objective cooperative control of vehicle stability with electro hydraulic brake


Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院

Title of Paper:Multi-objective cooperative control of vehicle stability with electro hydraulic brake

Journal:Adv. Veh. Control. Proc. Int. Symp. Adv. Veh. Control.

Abstract:In order to improve vehicle stability during critical situations at high speeds, a multi-objective cooperative control strategy is proposed with an Electro Hydraulic Brake (EHB). Taking the longitudinal, lateral, yaw, and roll motion into consideration, a four degree of freedom vehicle model is presented. As the actuator used to produce braking torque, the EHB is modeled and verified by experiments on a test bench. The yaw rate is used to design a yaw stability control strategy, and the Dynamic Rollover Index is presented to describe the vehicle rollover stability. Then, the LQR method is applied to design a multi-objective cooperative control strategy for vehicle yaw and roll stability. Also, the performance of the control strategies are analyzed by several typical case simulations, such as J-turn, fishhook and double lane change. The results show that the multi-objective cooperative control strategy for vehicle stability with the EHB can effectively reduce vehicle rollover risk and significantly improve the yaw stability of the vehicle. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, London.

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-01-01

Co-author:wc,Alla,Khajepour, Amir

Correspondence Author:Jin Zhilin

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