Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Main positions:全国美国文学研究会理事、江苏省外国文学学会理事、江苏省比较文学学会理事
Other Post:江苏省科普作家协会会员
Alma Mater:Nanjing University
Education Level:南京大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Literature
School/Department:College of Foreign Languages
Discipline:English Language and Literature
Business Address:ROOM 1313, College of Foreign Languages
Contact Information:lfjiang@nuaa.edu.cn
Affiliation of Participant(s):外国语学院
Date of Project Approval:2016-06-24
Lifu, JIANG (lfjiang@nuaa.edu.cn)
Associate Professor, Vice-dean of the College of Foreign Languages
Ph.D.: Nanjing University, 2010 (Visiting Sheffield University, 200809-200908)
M.A.: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2007
Academic Interest: British and American Literature, Anthropocene Fiction, Climate Change Criticism, Animal Studies
Teaching Courses: British Literature, American Literature, Ecoliterature, Civil Aviation English