Yunpeng Jiang   

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主要从事先进复合材料力学、柔性功能材料的制备和功能器件设计和安全评估。迄今发表学术论文100篇,其中SCI:53篇次,EI:70篇,其中一/二区21篇,被引用>1100次。现为“复合材料学报”,Compos Sci Technol, Int J Mech Sci, Eng Fract Mech, Compos Struct, Compos Part B, Comput Mater Sci, Mater Sci Eng A, J Compos Mater, Adv Eng Mater, Mater & Design, Int J Damag Mech, Mater Lett, Fiber & Polymer等20种国内外知名期刊审稿人,现为《计算力学学报》、《Journal of Polymer Science》和《复合材料学报》等期刊的青年编委。担任江西/河北省科技厅评审专家,教育部研究生教育发展中心,学术桥人才项目和国家自然科学基金委评审专家等。


  1. 2007年:日本学术振兴会JSPS特别研究员

  2. 2012年:教育部“新世纪优秀人才”支持计划

  3. 2018年:江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才计划



  1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):12072149,非晶合金基复合材料在复杂应力状态下的强韧化机理研究,62万元,主持,在研

  2. 前瞻布局科研专项项目:镓基液态金属柔性复合材料的特殊力-电-热效应和新功能器件研究,10万元,主持,在研

  3. 中央高校业务费:NS2022012,镓基液态金属柔性复合材料的设计、制备与力-电行为研究,10万元,主持,在研

  4.  江苏“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目:XCL-031,非晶合金基复合材料的多尺度本构模型与试验研究,4万元,主持,在研

  5.  江苏自然科学基金(面上项目):2018021768,非晶合金基复合材料的微结构效应及强韧化机理研究,10万元,主持,结题

  6.  中央高校业务费:NS2018009,非晶合金基复合材料的微结构效应及强韧化机理研究,10万元,主持,结题

  7.  中央高校业务费:1001-YAH16056,非晶合金基复合材料的颗粒增韧机理研究,8万元,主持,结题

  8. 国家自然科学基金:2012506111,热-力耦合作用下碳纤维增强热塑性复合材料的大变形宏/细观力学研究,26万元,主持,结题

  9. 江苏自然科学基金(青年项目):2012503811,碳纤维增强热塑性复合材料的热-力耦合大变形力学研究,20万元,主持,结题

  10. 教育部基金:2013566012,新世纪优秀人才计划基金,50万元,主持,结题

  11. 高层次人才引进基金:2011B07914,颗粒增强热塑性聚合物基复合材料的非线性大变形力学行为,30万元,主持,结题

  12. 国家自然科学基金:11202067,囊泡电穿孔和电融和的计算机模拟研究,26万元,参与,结题

  13. 国家自然科学基金:50805079,薄膜压痕的三维效应研究,25万元,参与,结题

  14. “项目式课程”建设,材料力学,2021.9-2023.8,5.0万元

  15. 研究生教改课题:“双一流”建设背景下力学专业研究生培养质量的提升路径与实践2023YJXGG01,2023.06-2025.12,2.0万元 



独立拥有超声波分散仪、光学显微镜、游星式离心搅拌脱泡机(日本新基Thinky Mixer AR-100)、真空恒温箱、介观万能试验机(Psylotech µTS)、高精度数字万用表(Siglent SDM3065X)、导热系数测试仪(DZDR-S)、切割机和研磨机等。













·        姜云鹏(2026):提高力学专业硕士研究生培养质量的方法研究,高教学刊,20262

·        姜云鹏(2025):新材料前沿发展背景下的《材料力学》课程教学改革探索,高教学刊,20257

·        姜云鹏(2025)新时代下材料力学课程教学的若干思考,高教学刊,20253


·        Ding X.L. and Jiang Y.P. (2025): Lightweight and highly thermally conductive Ga-based liquid metal hybrid composites filled with hollow glass microspheres. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 210: 10967

·         Ding X.L. and Jiang Y.P. (2024): Lightweight, highly extensible and anti-leak liquid metal elastomer composites with an interpenetrating architecture. Advanced Engineering Materials 26(23): 2401244

·         Jiang Y.P. and Wang Y.K. (2024): Toughening behaviors of metallic glass matrix composite with mortar-and-brick microstructures. Mechanics of Composite Materials (under review)

·         Jiang Y.P., Ding X.L. (2024): Analytical Study on the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Ga-based Liquid Metal Filled Elastomers. Material Today Communication 39: 108954

·         Zhu Y., Ding X.L. and Jiang Y.P. (2024): Gallium based liquid metal flexible electronics prepared by solid-liquid phase transition. Journal of Electronic Materials 53: 2763-2772

·         姜云鹏(2024):新材料前沿发展背景下的《材料力学》课程教学改革探索,《2023新时代高校力学教学改革与创新研讨会论文集》,高等教育出版社,20244


·         Jiang Y.P., Zhu Y. (2023) Numerical investigation on the piezo-resistive effect of Ga-based liquid metal filled elastomers (LMECs). Journal of Electronic Materials 53 (1), 499-507

·         Jiang Y.P., Zhu Y., Li T.Y. and Ding X.L. (2023): Strong and tough bulk metallic glass composites based on double network concept. Mechanics of Composite Materials 59(4):795-806.

·         Jiang Y.P., Li T.Y. (2023): Computational micromechanics analysis of toughening mechanisms in metal matrix composites with network architecture. Materials Today Communications 35: 105903

·         姜云鹏(2023):关于新时代材料力学课程教学的若干思考,《2022新时代高校力学教学改革与创新研讨会论文集》,高等教育出版社

·         Jiang Y.P. and Zhu Y. (2023): Notched behaviors of carbon fiber reinforced epoxy matrix composite. Journal of Composites Science 7: 223.

·         朱燕,姜云鹏2023):一种镓基液态金属柔性电子器件的制备方法,发明专利,授权号:HB2311076CN.


·         Jiang Y.P., Zhu Y., Li T.Y. and Ding X.L. (2022): Computational micromechanics of the elastic behaviors of liquid metal-elastomer composites. MRS Communications 12: 465-470.

·         Gong Z., Zhou Z., Wang Z., Lv Q.H., Xu J.F. and Jiang Y.P. (2022): Coordinated formation guidance law for fixed-wing UAVs based on missile parallel approach method. Aerospace 9: 272-291.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2022): Using nano-powders to improve the interfacial bonding strength of carbon fiber/epoxy composites. Fibers and Polymers 23: 1431-1439.


·         Jiang Y.P., Wu J. and Zhu Y. (2021): A mesoscopic model for particle filled composites with network microstructures. Mechanics of Composite Materials 3(57): 415-424.

·         Jiang Y.P. and Wu J. (2021): Enhancement of interface strength of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites filled with low dimensional materials. Composite Interfaces 28(3): 273-286.


·         Jiang Y.P., Wu J. (2019): A micromechanics model for particle filled composites with network microstructure. JSMAMS-2019, Nov. 2019 (in Japan)


·         Jiang Y.P. (2018): Micromechanical model of bulk metallic glass matrix composites with transformation induced plasticity. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 484: 118-123.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2018): Mesoscopic constitutive model for predicting failure of bulk metallic glass composites based on the free-volume model. Materials 11: 327-337.

·         Jiang Y.P., Qiu K., Sun L.G. and Wu Q.Q. (2018): Modeling of bulk metallic glass matrix composites under compression: Microstructure effect on shear band evolution. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49A: 417-424.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2018): An analytical method for studying the tensile stress-strain relations of bulk metallic glass composites. Advanced Composite Letters 27(6), 266-270.

·         吴青青,姜云鹏,孙龙港,邱昆,史学萍(2018):梯度微结构对金属玻璃拉伸增韧的影响,复合材料学报,351227-1235.

·         邱昆,姜云鹏,史雪萍,吴青青,孙龙港(2018):新型颗粒增强金属玻璃复合材料的拉伸增韧机制,复合材料学报35: 124-131.


·         孙龙港,姜云鹏,吴青青,邱昆,史雪萍(2017):金属玻璃复合材料压缩增韧的微结构机理,能源与环保,39158-165.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2017): Micromechanics constitutive model for predicting the stress–strain relations of particle toughened bulk metallic glass matrix composites. Intermetallics 90: 147-151.

·         Jiang Y.P., Sun L.G. and Wu Q.Q. (2017): Macroscopic tensile plasticity of metallic glass matrix composites through gradient microstructures. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 475: 96-100.

·         史雪萍,姜云鹏,邱昆,孙龙港,吴青青(2017):橡胶基复合材料的微结构效应研究,能源与环保39: 71-75.

·         Jiang Y.P., Sun L.G., Wu Q.Q. and Qiu K. (2017): Enhanced tensile ductility of metallic glass matrix composites with novel microstructure. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 459: 26-31.

·         邱昆,姜云鹏,史雪萍,孙龙港,吴青青 (2017): 金属玻璃基复合材料的微结构效应,复合材料学报 34(6): 8-16.

·         吴青青,孙龙港邱昆,史雪萍,姜云鹏 (2017): 带缺口的大块金属玻璃在疲劳荷载下的破坏机理,中国力学大会,北京。

·         Jiang Y.P., Qiu K. (2017): Microstructure designing of tensile toughening mechanism of metallic glass matrix composites. ICCM-21, Aug. 2017 (in China)


·         Jiang Y.P. (2016): An analytical model for particulate reinforced composites (PRCs) taking account of particle debonding and matrix cracking. Materials Research Express 3(10): 106501.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2016): FEM modeling of cyclic deformation in bulk metallic glasses (BMGs). Metals, 6(9), 217.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2016): Effect of testing conditions on the compressive plasticity of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs). Journal of Materials Research, 31(17), 2686-2694.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2016): Numerical study of the effect of sample aspect ratio on the ductility of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) under compression. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47, 2481-2486.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2016): Numerical study of the notch effect on the ductility of bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) based on the free-volume theory. Journal of Materials Research, 31(6), 765-774.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Shimamura Y. (2016): A Micromechanics-based Incremental Damage theory of Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) Composites. International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 25, 358-376.


·         Jiang Y.P. (2015): On the compression mechanism of the composite lattice structures. Advanced Composites Letters 24, 107-112.

·         Jiang Y.P., Shi X.P., Qiu K. (2015): Micromechanical modeling the plastic deformation of particle reinforced bulk metallic glass composites. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46A, 3705-3712.

·         Jiang Y.P., Shi X.P., Qiu K. (2015): Numerical Study of Shear Banding Evolution in Bulk Metallic Glass Composites. Materials & Design. 77, 32-40.

·         Jiang Y.P. Shi X.P., Qiu K. (2015): A micromechanics-based incremental damage model for carbon black filled rubbers. Composites Part B: Engineering. 75, 11-16.

·         Jiang Y.P., Qiu K. (2015): Computational micromechanics analysis of toughening mechanisms of particle-reinforced bulk metallic glass compositesMaterials & Design 65, 410-416.


·         Jiang Y.P., Qiu K. (2014): A Micromechanics-based Incremental Damage Model for Carbon Black Filled Rubbers. ICNAAM 2014, Sep. 2014 (in Greece)


·         Jiang Y.P., Fan H.L. (2013): A micromechanics model for predicting the stress–strain relations of filled elastomers. Computational Materials Science, 67, 104-108.

·         Yang H., Jiang Y.P., Chen P.H., Fan H.L. (2013): Micromechanics models of particulate filled elastomer at finite strain deformation. Composites Part B: Engineering, 45, 881-887.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K. (2013): A constitutive model of finite strain deformation of filled elastomers. JSMAMS, Nov. 2013 (in China)

·         姜云鹏 (2013): 颗粒增强高弹体的均匀化理论研究重庆大学2013年复合材料力学研讨会摘要集, May 2013 (in China)

·         Jiang Y.P. (2013): Micromecanics study of carbon black filled rubbers. ICF13, Aug. 2013 (in China)


·         Jiang Y.P., Yang H., Chen P.H. (2012): Analytical study of morphologies for ultra high elastic stiffness of composites with aligned cylindrical fibers. Composite Structures, 94, 2390-2396.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Shimamura Y. (2012): Ultrasonic dispersion of SiO2 particles in glassy epoxy resin. Journal of Composite Materials, 46(10), 43-52.

·         Yang H., Chen P.H., Jiang Y.P. (2012): 规则性分布长纤维增强复合材料的等效弹性研究机械强度 34, 56-62.


·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K. (2011): An incremental damage theory for micropolar composites taking account of progressive debonding and particle size effect. Computational Material Science, 50, 3358-3364.

·         Yang H., Chen P.H., Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K. (2011): Incremental damage theory of particulate-reinforced composites with a ductile interphase. Composite Structures, 93, 2655-2662.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K. (2011): Incremental damage theory of particulate reinforced composites with a ductile interphase. ICCM-18, Aug. 2011 (in Korea)


·         Jiang Y.P., Yang H., Togho K. (2010): Three phase incremental damage theory of particulate reinforced composites with a brittle interphase. Composite Structures, 93, 1136-1142.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Yang H. (2010): Study of the effect of particle size on the effective modulus of polymeric composites on the basis of the molecular chain network microstructure. Computational Material Science, 49, 439-443.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Shimamura Y. (2010): Quantitative dependence of the effective modulus of particle reinforced composites on the partially-debonding damage. Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, 4, 1083-1093.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Shimamura Y. (2010): An analytical model to study the effective stiffness of the composites with periodically distributed sphere particles. Composite Structures, 92, 216-222.


·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Shimamura Y. (2009): A micro-mechanics model for composites reinforced by regularly distributed particles with an inhomogeneous interphase. Computational Material Science, 46(2), 507-515.

·         Jiang Y.P., Tohgo K., Shimamura Y. (2009): Quantitative dependence of the effective modulus of particle reinforced composites on the partially-debonding damage. The 1th Asian Pacific Conference for Materials and Mechanics, Nov. 2009 (in Japan)


·         Jiang Y.P., Yang H., Guo W.L. (2008): Numerical study of the influence of particle cracking to the damage of MMC by the incremental damage theory. Materials Science and Engineering A, 492, 370-376.

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yang H. (2008): Numerical studies on the effective shear modulus of particle reinforced composites with an inhomogeneous interphase. Computational Material Science, 43, 724-731.


·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yue Z.F. (2007): On the study of the creep damage development in circumferential notch specimens. Computational Material Science, 38, 653-659.

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yue Z.F. (2007): On the study of the effects of notch shape on the creep damage under cyclic loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 29, 836-842.


·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yue Z.F., Wang J. (2006): On the study of the effects of notch shape on creep damage development under constant loading. Materials Science and Engineering A, 437, 340-347.

·         Jiang Y.P., Wang, Y., Yue Z.F. (2006): Experiments and simulations of the mechanical performance of repaired panels. Materials Science and Engineering A, 415, 33-39.

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yue Z.F. (2006): Investigation of the three dimensional micromechanical behaviors of woven fabric composites. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 42, 141-150.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2006): Simulation and experimental studies of the repaired composite laminate. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 37, 597-604.

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L. (2006): Modeling the damage progression in the composite structure subjected to static contact crush. Key Engineering Materials, 325, 831-834.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2006): On the Study of the Mechanical Behaviours of the Flange Repaired Composite Panels under tension. Key Engineering Materials, 334, 285-288.

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yue Z.F. (2006): 在循环载荷作用下缺口形状对蠕变损伤的影响的数值研究材料研究学报 19, 520-523.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2006): 单剪螺栓连接复合材料叠层板螺栓孔周边应力场分布机械强度 28, 271-275.

·         Wang Y., Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2006): 复合材料层合板开口补强试验和数值模拟机械强度 28, 869-873.

·         Jiang Y.P. (2006): On the Study of the Mechanical Behaviors of the Flange Repaired Composite Panels under tension. The 5th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, Nov. 2006, 285-288 (in Hong Kong)

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L. (2006): Modeling the damage progression in the composite structure subjected to static contact crush. The 5th International Conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, Sep. 2006, 831-834 (in China)

·         Jiang Y.P., Guo W.L., Yue Z.F. (2006): On the study of the influence of notch shape on creep damage under cyclic loading. Proceeding of Beijing International Material Week, Jun. 2006, 1062-1066 (in China)


·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2005): 间隙配合对复合材料叠层板螺栓连接强度的影响复合材料学报 22, 177-182.

·         Jiang Y.P., Zhang Q.M., Wang Y., Yue Z.F. (2005): 复合材料层合板开口补强试验和数值研究复合材料学报 22, 190-196.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F., Lu W.S. (2005): 计入纤维交叉影响的缠绕复合材料结构有效刚度模型燃气涡轮试验与研究 18, 33-38.


·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2004): Numerical study on creep damage of composites at high temperature. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English letters), 17, 493-497.

·         Shao X.J., Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2004): Study on the effects of breakage of single fiber on creep behavior of fiber reinforced composite. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English letters), 17, 498-502.

·         Wang X.M., Jiang Y.P., Wang Y.F., Yue Z.F. (2004): 圆棒拉伸试样蠕变过程中的应力应变分布分析航空材料学报 24, 58-62.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2004): 高温环境下纤维复合材料蠕变损伤的细观机理研究力学季刊 25, 523-527.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2004): Numerical study on creep damage of composite at high temperature. Proceeding of the 5th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, Aug. 2004, 114-119 (in China)

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2004): 缠绕复合材料结构强度分析的有效刚度法; Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics 12th conference of aero-engine structure strength and vibration, Chengdu, Aug. 2004, 8-12 (in China)

·         Shao X.J., Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2004): Study on the effects of breakage of single fiber on creep behavior of fiber rein- forced composite. Proceeding of the 5th China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on High Temperature Strength of Materials, Aug. 2004, 114-119 (in China)


·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F., Wan J.S. (2003): 界面特性对金属基复合材料蠕变性能的影响计算力学学报 24, 58-62.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2003): 高温下的金属基复合材料双剪切试样应力应变有限元分析材料工程 10, 23-35.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F., Han X.P. (2003): 由拉伸试样确定材料真实应力应变关系机械强度 25, 151-153.

·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F., Wang X.M. (2003): 金属基复合材料的蠕变力学研究进展燃气涡轮试验与研究 16, 53-61.


·         Jiang Y.P., Yue Z.F. (2002): 金属基复合材料多尺度问题研究; The Annual Meeting of Composite Materials, Chengdu, Sep. 2002, 18-22 (in China)

Educational Experience

  • 1992.9-1996.7  

    齐河一中       普通高中毕业

  • 1996.9-2000.7  

    烟台大学       机电自动化       University graduated       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

  • 2000.9-2003.4  

    西北工业大学       固体力学       With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates       Master's Degree in Engineering

  • 2002.9-2005.10  

    西北工业大学       固体力学       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2016.3-Now


  • 2010.6-2016.3


  • 2008.6-2010.5


  • 2007.12-2008.5


  • 2005.10-2007.11


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