Associate Professor Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Energy and Power Engineering
Discipline:能源动力. Power Machinery and Engineering. Aerospace Propulsion Theory and Engineering
Contact Information:13814089286
Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Key Words:Ceramic matrix composites 2.5D woven C/SiC Multiscale model Hysteresis loops Fatigue
Abstract:This paper presents an intriguing fatigue hysteresis behavior of 2.5 dimensional woven C/SiC composites via the integration tool of advanced experimental techniques with a multiscale theoretical model. Tension-tension fatigue experiment has been carried out to predict the fatigue hysteresis properties of 2.5D woven C/SiC composite at room temperature, accompanied with the fracture of specimens to investigate the mechanism of fatigue damage. Meanwhile, a multiscale fatigue model of 2.5D woven C/SiC composites, which encompasses a micro-scale model of fiber/matrix/porosity in fiber tows and a macro-scale model of unit-cell, has been proposed to provide a reliable validation of the experimental results based on fiber damages resulting from relative slip motion with respect to matrix at interfaces and the architecture of 2.5D woven C/SiC composites. The predicted hysteresis loop from theoretical model at room temperature holds great agreement with that from tension-tension fatigue experiments. Also, effects of fatigue load, braided structural parameters and material properties at micro scale on fatigue hysteresis behavior have been investigated.
ISSN No.:0929-189X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-12-01
Co-author:szg,Yang, Fushu,Chen, Xihui,syd
Correspondence Author:szg,Hu Xuteng