Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Modeling and Assessment of a Contra-Rotating Puller Propfan Engine
Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Journal:Tuijin Jishu
Abstract:In order to analyze the performance of propfan engines to provide methods for beforehand research, a simulation model of three-shaft contra-rotating puller propfan was proposed. Propfan engine was considered as a match with propfan and turboshaft. Propfan model, based on the similitude principle, starts with the aerodynamic performance for a single rotating propfan. The influence of hub, the interaction of contra-rotating propfans and the contraction of stream are all considered. Error of the model and the experimental results is no more than 2%. The core engine model is a component-level model of a three-shaft turboshaft. Assessments are conducted based on the model. The propfan-inlet interaction has a little influence on performance and could be ignored. The wheelbase of contra-rotating to radius ratio may have an impact on performance and could be set up from 0.4 to 0.6. When the pitch angles are both 56°, the thrust would decrease and sfc would increase if the height grows up. If the Mach number grows up, sfc would increase first and then decrease, and the thrust would decrease first and then increase. The pitch angles of propfan are important regulative parameters for engine performance. When the variations of pitch angles are 4°, the thrust will change 64%. © 2018, Editorial Department of Journal of Propulsion Technology. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1001-4055
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-02-01
Co-author:Wang, Yi-Wei
Correspondence Author:Huang Xianghua
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