Hu Jingxin

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  


Alma Mater:德国亚琛工业大学

Education Level:博士毕业



Discipline:Power Electronics and Transmission

Business Address:将军路校区自动化学院1号楼206



Educational Experience

2006.9 -- 2010.6

Northeastern University       Automation Engineering       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

2010.10 -- 2013.12

RWTH Aachen University       Electrical Engineering       Postgraduate (Master's Degree)       Master's Degree in Engineering

2014.10 -- 2019.7

RWTH Aachen University       Electrical Engineering       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Social Affiliations

Young Professional Committee Member of China Power Supply Society

Editorial Committee Member of China Power Supply Society

Guest Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Associate Editor of Journal of Power Supply

Associate Editor of Journal of Northeast Electric Power University

Technical Program Committee Co-Chair of IEEE eGrid 2020

IEEE Member, Member of CPSS, CSEE and CES

Session Chair in IEEE ECCE Asia 2024、PEDG 2023、ECCE Asia 2023、CIEEC 2023、ISIE 2021、eGrid 2020

Working Group Member in IEEE Standard P3105 "Recommended Practice for Design and Integration of Solid-State Transformers in Electric Grid"


Research Focus

Power Electronics and Energy System Integration

Work Experience

2012.4 -- 2012.10

ABB Corporate Research      Intern

2013.2 -- 2014.1

GE Global Research Center      Research Engineer

2014.3 -- 2014.8

RWTH Aachen University      Research Assistant

2014.10 -- 2019.6

RWTH Aachen Univeristy      发电与储能研究所      Research Associate

2019.7 -- 2022.5

RWTH Aachen University      E.ON Energy Research Center      Senior Scientist

2021.2 -- 2022.6

Flexible Elektrische Netze GmbH      Chief Technology Officer

2022.6 -- Now

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics      College of Automation Engineering      Professor


Dr.-Ing. Jingxin Hu is a Full Professor with College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing, China. He receives the national research grant for distinguished overseas young researchers, and he is recognized as a Changkong Scholar of NUAA. 

Dr. Hu received his Bachelor degree from Northeastern University, China in 2010, and Master and Ph.D. degrees both with summa cum laude from RWTH Aachen University, Germany in 2013 and 2019, all in electrical engineering. His dissertation was supervised by Prof. Rik W. De Doncker and Prof. Johann W. Kolar, working on high-power DC-DC converters for utility applications. He used to hold multiple positions in industry and academia in the past decade. In 2012, he was an intern with ABB Corporate Research at Baden-Dätwill, Switzerland. From 2013 to 2014, he worked as a research engineer at GE Global Research Center, Münich, Germany. From 2014 to 2022, he served as research associate and senior scientist sequentially at E.ON Energy Research Center, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. From 2021 to 2022, he was also part-time with Flexible Elektrische Netze GmbH as Chief Technology Officer. In 2022, he joined NUAA and became a Full Professor at College of Automation Engineering. 

Dr. Hu has been involved in multiple key R&D projects in China, EU and Germany, such as NSFC research fundings, EU H2020 R&D funding, EU Erasmus+ project, BMBF R&D funding and BMWi R&D funding.  Until now, he has published more than 40 peer reviewed papers in IEEE transactions, journals and conference proceedings. He holds two German patents and he has authored/co-authored 2 book/book chapters. He is lecturer of more than 10 tutorials at IEEE conferences such as ECCE and ECCE Asia. 

Dr. Hu admits 1-2 Ph.D students and 3-5 Master students each year. His research interests include high-power electronics, solid-state transformers, power electronics for renewable integration and energy storage systems, DC transmission and distribution systems, onboard power system for electric aircraft, and various applications of wide bandgap devices.