Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Zhouchun Huang is an Associate Professor at College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He also serves as the Thesis Quality Control Supervisor of the college, and deputy director of the Department of Management Science and Engineering. He received his bachelar degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2007 and his PhD in Industrial Engineering from the University of Central Florida in 2016. He then served as a senior operations research engineer at Sabre Corporation, Texas, USA between 2016-2018 when he was engaged in the research of optimization models and algorithms for airline solutions.
Dr. Huang serves as an associate editor of the Springer journal Energy Systems, and a peer reviewer for various journals such as EJOR, TS, TRE, and ANOR. His research interests include stochastic programming, combinatorial optimization, and large-scale integer programming and their applications in energy system optimization and airline operations management. His research has been published in journals including INFORMS Journal on Computing, European Journal of Operational Research, Annal of Operations Research, and Journal of Global Optimization, etc.
Operations Research, Airline Solutions, Optimization in Energy and Environment, Supply Chain Management,Stochastic Programming, Integer Programming, Global Optimization
University of Central Florida  Industrial Engineering  Postgraduate (Doctoral)  Doctoral degree
West Virginia University  Master of Engineering  Postgraduate (Master's Degree)  Master's Degree in Engineering
Huazhong University of Science and Technology  Mechanical Engineering  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)  Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
Sabre Corporation Airline Solutions Senior Operations Research
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