Affiliation of Author(s):能源与动力学院
Key Words:Kernel adaptive filter Reservoir computing Long-term prediction Remaining useful lifeprediction Prognostics
Abstract:Kernel adaptive filter (KAF) has been widely utilized for time series prediction due to its online adaptation scheme, universal approximation capability and convexity. Nevertheless, KAF's ability to handle temporal tasks is limited, because it is essentially a feed-forward neural network that lacks dynamic characteristics. Traditionally, a sliding widow that contains consecutive data points is constructed to deal with the temporal dependency between data points at neighboring time steps, but the restricted widow length may be incapable of capturing temporal patterns on a larger time scale. To manage this issue, a novel sequential learning approach called echo state KRLS (ES-KRLS) algorithm is proposed by incorporating a dynamic reservoir into kernel recursive least squares (KRLS) algorithm. The reservoir, consisting of a large number of sparsely interconnected hidden units, is treated as a temporal function that transforms the history of the time series into a high-dimensional reservoir state space. Subsequently, the spatial relationship between the reservoir state and the target output is effectively approximated by KRLS algorithm. With the utilization of the fixed reservoir, our novel method not only maintains the simplicity of the learning process but also leads to a significant improvement in the capability of modeling dynamic systems. Numerical results on benchmark tasks demonstrate the excellent performance of the novel method with respect to long-term prediction. Finally, an online prognostic method that combines ES-KRLS and a Bayesian technique is developed for tracking the health status of a degraded system and predicting remaining useful life (RUL). This prognostic method is applied to a turbofan engine degradation dataset to demonstrate its effectiveness. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ISSN No.:0888-3270
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-10-01
Co-author:Zhou, Haowen,Feng Lu,Thiyagalingam, Jeyarajan,Kirubarajan, Thia
Correspondence Author:Huang Jinquan
Date of Publication:2018-10-01
Huang Jinquan
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:南京航空航天大学
Paper Publications
Echo state kernel recursive least squares algorithm for machine condition prediction
Date of Publication:2018-10-01 Hits: