Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Study on Fabrication of Lyophobic PCD by Pulsed Fiber Laser
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Journal:Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng
Abstract:In view of PCD surfaces, an economic, efficient and controllable method on fabrication of microstructure by laser processing was proposed herein, combined with low surface energy treatment technology, the characteristics of the surface might be regulated effectively. First of all, micro grooves and micro conical convexes were formed on the surface of PCD by using laser surface texturing method. And the effects of single pulse energy and scanning speed on the microstructure morphology and characteristic size parameters were analyzed. Then, the laser textured PCD surfaces were treated with fluorination, and the influences of the surface microstructure of PCD on the hydrophobicity and lipophobicity were analyzed. The results show that with the increases of single pulse energy or the decreases of the scanning speed, the parameters of groove depth, the ridge spacing and surface roughness increases. After low surface energy treatment, the contact angles of water are in the range 93°~149°and 102°~134° respectively, which realize the control on different wettability of PCD surfaces. In addition, the formation mechanism of microstructure on PCD surfaces was analyzed, and the influences of microstructure on hydrophobicity and lipophobicity were discussed. © 2019, China Mechanical Engineering Magazine Office. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1004-132X
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-01-10
Co-author:Cui, Wei,Chen, Xinwen,Xiao, Sinong,Li, Liang,Jenny
Correspondence Author:Cui, Wei,Hao Xiuqing
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