Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Review on Internet-of-manufacturing-things and key technologies for discrete workshop
Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Journal:Jisuanji Jicheng Zhizao Xitong
Abstract:The deep penetration and extensive applications of Internet of Things (IoT) in the manufacturing field have spawned a new manufacturing technology-Internet of Manufacturing Things (IoMT), which is characterized by "ubiquitous interconnection and perception". Based on analyzing the concept, characteristics and application requirements of IoMT, the key technologies of IoMT were expounded by taking the perception, transmission, analysis and application of Multisource manufacturing data as a main line. Through combing the analysis of recent IoMT research and application literature, the application mode of assembly technology in discrete workshop was summarized from five aspects: workshop manufacturing resource management, production process scheduling and control, workshop logistics optimization, production quality monitoring and traceability, and intelligent service and support. With the application and development requirements of IoMT core technologies, the future development trend of IoMT under the background of intelligent manufacturing was discussed based on the combination of IoMT and cloud manufacturing, big data, and Cyber Physical System (CPS). © 2019, Editorial Department of CIMS. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1006-5911
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-02-01
Co-author:Huang, Shaohua,Zha, Shanshan,Fang, Weiguang,Wang, Falin
Correspondence Author:guoyu
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