Affiliation of Author(s):机电学院
Title of Paper:Modeling and Stochastic Model Updating of Bolt-Jointed Structure
Journal:Shock Vib
Abstract:Bolt-jointed structure is widely used in engineering fields. The dynamic characteristics of bolt-jointed structure are complex, and there is a variety of uncertainties in the jointed structure. In this study, modeling and updating of a typical bolt-jointed structure are investigated. In modeling terms, three-dimensional brick elements are used to represent the substructures, and thin-layer elements with virtual material properties are employed to represent the joint interface. Modal tests and experimental modal analysis of substructures and built-up structure are performed. A hierarchical model updating strategy based on Bayesian inference is applied to identify the unknown parameters in the substructures model and those in the overall model. Radial basis function (RBF) models are used as surrogates of time-consuming finite element model with high resolution to avoid the enormous computational cost. The results indicate that the updated model can reproduce modal frequencies used in updating and can predict those not used in the updating procedure. © 2018 Ming Zhan et al.
ISSN No.:1070-9622
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-01-01
Co-author:Zhan, Ming,Yue Lin,Zhang, Baoqiang
Correspondence Author:qintao guo