• 其他栏目


    • 教授 硕士生导师
    • 招生学科专业:
      力学 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 航空学院
      机械 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 航空学院
    • 主要任职:教授
    • 性别:男
    • 毕业院校:普渡大学(美国)
    • 学位:博士
    • 所在单位:航空学院
    • 办公地点:南京航空航天大学明故宫校区A18楼206室
    • 联系方式:Gaojinling@nuaa.edu.cn
    • 电子邮箱:





    高金翎,男,教授,1993年7月生,航空航天结构力学及控制全国重点实验室、多功能轻量化材料与结构工信部重点实验室、南京航空航天大学航空学院骨干教师。2021年8月获美国普渡大学博士学位,获工程学院(全美排名第4)优秀研究生科研奖(Top 1%),而后从事博士后研究。2022年4月入职南京航空航天大学,引聘时为南航最年轻的教授。在海外获中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(特别优秀奖)(全球20人),回国后获重大仪器设备项目、人才类项目、基金项目等资助4500余万,2023年入选国家重大人才工程A类青年人才项目。相关研究于2020年被美国陆军研究实验室评为前沿热点,2023年被评为江苏省行业领域十大科技进展。

    面向国际前沿科学问题及国防军工重大需求,从事极端力学研究,主要包括空、天、地、海极端环境下结构材料表征方法研究、先进结构材料极端力学响应与失效分析、极端载荷下的防护结构设计与材料改性研究等。相关研究推动国家大科学装置研发,涉及结构材料包括航空航天飞行器轻质结构和材料、国防高端装备防护装甲、单兵防护、生物材料、新能源汽车电池材料、超材料和超级木材等前沿材料等,在NDT & E International、JMPS、IJIE、CSTE等材料测试与表征、力学及复合材料领域顶级刊物发表SCI论文34篇,会议论文6篇,参编中文专著章节4篇,英文专著章节1篇,授权发明专利3项,实用新型专利2项,软件著作4项,在国内外学术会议上做口头报告近20次。为IJIE, Composites Part A等15本国际顶级刊物审稿人,为国际实验力学协会、中国力学学会、美国复合材料协会、美国航空与航天工程协会、江苏省力学协会等成员,2021年国际实验力学协会年会、2023年第三届损伤与断裂力学及其工程应用研讨会分会场主席。


    • 本课题组非常年轻,极具活力,老师对学生随时有空,学生间互帮互助,强调高效沟通和解决问题;

    • 本课题组为学生提供有竞争力的助研费,同时根据项目完成情况给予额外补贴;

    • 本课题组鼓励新生在老师、学长、学姐的帮助下进入课题研究状态后,自主发掘新课题,启发学生独立思考和解决问题,同时尊重学生创造性想法和劳动成果,保证课题组科研处于国际前沿,科研成果学生一作,通常一年内可产出成果,无需担心毕业问题;

    • 本课题组尊重学生职业规划,努力为学生创造海外留学深造、著名企事业单位工作等机会,希望学生能够找到适合自己的人生道路!


    2017年7月-2021年8月    美国普渡大学,航空与航天工程学院,航空与航天工程专业,博士

    2014年9月-2016年6月    上海大学,土木工程系,建筑与土木工程专业,工学硕士

    2010年9月-2014年6月    上海大学,土木工程系,土木工程专业,工学学士


    2022年4月-至今              南京航空航天大学,航空学院      教授

    2021年8月-2022年2月    美国普渡大学,航空与航天工程学院     博士后研究员 


    1. 材料极端力学行为测试与表征新方法

    2. 特种纤维及其织物材料的动态力学响应

    3. 先进复合材料多尺度动态力学行为及无损检测技术

    4. 新型材料的抗冲击性能评估和破坏机理分析(轻质金属、超级木材、超材料等)

    5. 近地小行星撞击主动防御技术

    6. 基于国家大科学装置的材料微观损伤演化表征方法

    7. 脑冲击科学


    1. 中国航天科技创新研究院,“材料表面处理及多要素力学特性评价系统”,2023.12-2024.02,主持,在研;

    2. 中国航空基金,“极端多物理场耦合作用下复合材料纤维/树脂界面微观损伤演化机理及优化设计”,2023.10-2025.09,主持,在研;

    3. 中组部人才专项,“国家重大人才工程A类青年人才项目”,2023.10-2026.09,主持,在研;

    4. 教育部资金专项,“轻质多功能航天器结构材料极端环境服役性能表征平台”,2024.01-2025.12,共同主持,在研;

    5. 工信部资金专项,“空天环境XXX结构材料强度试验系统”,2024.01-2025.06,共同主持,在研;

    6. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,“超高分子量聚乙烯纤维单丝高速冲击失效机理研究”,2024.01-2026.12,主持,在研;

    7. 江苏省科技计划专项资金(基础研究计划自然科学基金)-青年基金项目,“XXX材料高速冲击失效机理研究”,2023.09-2026.08,主持,在研;

    8. 江苏恒辉安防股份有限公司, “新型抗弹复合织物设计(预研)”, 2023.01-2024.12, 主持,在研;

    9. 军委后勤保障部,“高性能XXX材料的XX编织技术研究”,2022.08-2024.12,主持,在研;

    10. 南京航空航天大学引进人才科研启动经费, “材料超高应变率动态力学行为及破坏机理研究”, 2022.07-2025.06, 主持,在研;

    11. 海军装备研究院, “XX新型XX防护结构设计研究”, 2022.04-2022.12, 共同主持,结题;


    1. 美国陆军研究实验室、美国阿贡国家实验室资助, “Multiscale real-time damage visualization in fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites”, 2019.10-2022.02, 参与,结题;

    2. 美国士兵执行计划办公室、美国阿贡国家实验室资助,“Dynamic behavior of textiles”, 2017.07-2019.09,参与,结题;

    3. 宝洁公司资助,“Transverse compression and uniaxial tensile tests on single fibers”, 2017.10-2018.09,参与,结题;

    4. 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目资助(共两项),2014.09-2016.08,参与,结题;

    5. 其他合作项目(非主要负责人)12项,合作单位包括Johns Hopkins University,Drexel University,Colorado School of Mines ,Indiana Hand to Shoulder Center,以及普渡大学材料工程、机械工程、农业工程学院,资助单位包括:NASA,美国海军研究实验室,美国空军研究实验室,美国国家自然科学基金等。


    2023年    江苏省行业领域十大科技进展

    2022年    中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(特别优秀奖)(全球20人)

    2021年    美国普渡大学工学院优秀研究生科研奖(每学院仅一位获奖者)

    2020年    美国陆军研究实验室材料极端动态响应中心年度青年研究员

    2020年    美国陆军研究实验室材料极端动态响应中心年度研究热点


    [33] B. Ellyson, A. Saville, K. Fezzaa, T. Sun, N. Parab, C. Finfrock, C.J. Rietema, D. Smith, J. Copley, C. Johnson, C.G. Becker, J. Klemm-Toole, C. Kirk, N. Kedir, J. Gao, W. Chen, K.D. Clark, A.J. Clark (2023). High strain rate deformation of aged TRIP Ti-10V-2Fe-3Al (wt.%) examined by in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Acta Materialia, 118621. (IF = 9.209, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [32] B. Ellyson*, K. Fezzaa, T. Sun, N. Parab, A. Saville, C. Finfrock, C. J. Rietema, D. Smith, J. Copley, C. Johnson, C. G. Becker, J. Klemm-Toole, C. Kirk, N. Kedir, J. Gao, W. Chen, R. Banerjee, K. D. Clarke, A. J. Clarke (2022). Transformation and twinning induced plasticity in metastable Ti-Mo alloys under high strain rate deformation, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 143716. (IF = 6.044, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [31] M. Sannamani, J. Gao, W. Chen, T.N. Tallman* (2022). Damage detection in non-planar carbon fiber-reinforced polymer laminates via electrical impedance tomography with surface-mounted electrodes and directional sensitivity matrices, Composites Science and Technology, 224, 109429.  (IF = 9.879, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [30] J.A. Copley*, B Ellyson, J. Klemm-Toole,
    J. Gao, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, W. Chen, N. Parab, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, K. Clarke, A. J. Clarke (2021). Considerations of sample thickness and detector placement in intensity limited polychromatic x-ray diffraction experiments, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, 1-8.

    J. Gao, N. Kedir, J. Hernandez, F. Zhou, J.T. Tsai, T.N., Tallman, M.B. Guk Jun, W. Chen* (2022). Dynamic failure of composite strips under different projectiles by reverse ballistic impact, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 107700.  (IF = 6.772, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, B.H. Lim, X. Zhai, Y. Nie, N. Kedir, W. Chen* (2022). Transverse loading on single high-performance fibers byround-head indenters and the fibers’ failure visualization, Fibers, 10, 48.

    [27] J. Gao, N. Kedir, J.A. Hernandez, J. Gao, T. Horn, Garam K., K. Fezzaa, T. N. Tallman, G. Palmese, R. Sterkenburg, W. Chen* (2022). Dynamic fracture of glass fiber-reinforced ductile polymer matrix composites and the loading rate effect, Composites Part B: Engineering, 235, 109754. (IF = 11.322, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao*, K. Fezzaa, W. Chen (2022). Multiscale dynamic experiments on fiber-reinforced composites with damage assessment using high-speed synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast imaging, NDT & E International, 129, 102636.  (IF = 4.683, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, N. Kedir, W. Chen* (2022). Characterization of failure of single carbon nanotube fibers under extreme transverse loading, Materials & Design, 215, 110482. (IF = 9.417, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [24] X. Zhang, J. Gao, D. O’Brien, W. Chen, S. Ghosh* (2021), Parametrically homogenized continuum damage mechanics (PHCDM) models for analyzing composite structures, Composites Part B: Engineering, 228, 109409. (IF = 11.322, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [23] N. Kedir, J. Hernandez, B.H. Lim,
    J. Gao, X. Zhai, Y. Nie, T.N. Tallman, W. Chen* (2021). Time dependent response of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) to irradiation by a short pulse nearinfrared (NIR) laser, Journal of Laser Applications, 33, 042034. (IF = 2.521)

    [22] J.T. Tadevich, N.D. Bhagat, B.H. Lim,
    J. Gao, W. Chen, G.A. Merrell* (2021). Power-optimizing repair distal biceps rupture: stronger and safer, Journal of Hand Surgery, 3 (5), 266-271.

    J. Gao, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, J. Hernandez, J. Wang, S. Paulson, X. Zhai, T. Horn, G. Kim, K. Fezzaa, F. De Carlo, P.D. Shevchenko, T.N. Tallman, R. Sterkenburg, W. Chen* (2021). High-speed synchrotron X-ray phase-contrast imaging for evaluating microscale damage mechanisms and tracking cracking behaviors inside cross-ply GFRCs, Composites Science and Technology, 210, 108814.  (IF = 9.879, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, Z. Guo, J. Hernandez, F. Zhou, Y. Nie, J. Gao, B.H. Lim, N. Kedir, X. Zhai, J. Wang, J.T. Tsai, F. De Carlo, P.D. Shevchenko, T.N., Tallman, M.B. Guk Jun, G.R. Palmese, W. Chen* (2021). Transverse impact by RCCs on S-Glass and Kevlar® FRC strips, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 146, 106425.  (IF = 9.463, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [19] N. Kedir, E. Garcia, C. Kirk, J. Gao, Z. Guo, X. Zhai, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, S. Sampath, W. Chen* (2021). Impact damage of narrow silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics with and without environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) by various foreign object debris (FOD) simulants, Surface and Coatings Technology, 407, 126779.  (IF = 4.865, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, J. Hernandez, J. Wang, S. Paulson, X. Zhai, T. Horn, G. Kim, J. Gao, K. Fezzaa, F. De Carlo, P. Shevchenko, T.N. Tallman, R. Sterkenburg, G.R. Palmese, W. Chen* (2021). Real-time damage characterization for GFRCs using high-speed synchrotron X-ray phase contrast imaging, Composites Part B: Engineering, 207, 108565.  (IF = 11.322, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, C. Kirk, N. Kedir, S. Paulson, J. Hernandez, J. Gao, X. Zhai, J. Wang, T. Horn, G. Kim, F. De Carlo, P. Shevchenko, T.N. Tallman, G.R. Palmese, R. Sterkenburg, W. Chen* (2021). A method for characterization of multiple dynamic constitutive parameters of FRCs, Composites Science and Technology, 203, 108607.  (IF = 9.879, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, B.H. Lim, X. Zhai, Y. Nie, N. Kedir, W. Chen* (2020). Failure behaviors of single highperformance fibers under transverse dynamic cut, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 144, 103660.  (IF = 4.592, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [15] N. Kedir, E. Garcia, C. Kirk, Z. Guo,
    J. Gao, X. Zhai, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, S. Sampath, W. Chen* (2020). In situ characterization of foreign object damage (FOD) in environmental‐barrier‐coated silicon carbide (SiC) ceramic, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 103(8): 4586-4601.  (IF = 4.186)

    [14] D. Chen, N. Narayanan, E. Federici, Z. Yang, X. Zuo,
    J. Gao, F. Fang, M. Deng, O.H. Campanella, O.G. Jones* (2020). Electrospinning Induced Orientation of Protein Fibrils, Biomacromolecules, 21(7): 2772-2785.  (IF = 6.978, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [13] X. Zhai, Y. Nie,
    J. Gao, N. Kedir, B. Claus, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, W. Chen* (2020). The effect of loading direction on the fracture behaviors of cortical bone at a dynamic loading rate, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 142, 104015.  (IF = 5.582, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [12] J. Gao, Y. Nie, B.H. Lim, X. Zhai, N. Kedir, W. Chen* (2020). In-situ observation of cuttinginduced failure processes of single high-performance fibers inside a SEM, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 131, 105767.  (IF = 9.463, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [11] Y. Nie, B. Claus,
    J. Gao, X. Zhai, N. Kedir, J. Chu, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, W. Chen* (2020). In Situ Observation of Adiabatic Shear Band Formation in Aluminum Alloys, Experimental Mechanics, 60(2): 153-163.  (IF = 2.794)

    [10] X. Zhai,
    J. Gao, Y. Nie, Z. Guo, N. Kedir, B. Claus, T. Sun, K. Fezzaa, X. Xiao, W. Chen* (2019). Real-time visualization of dynamic fractures in porcine bones and the loading-rate effect on their fracture toughness, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 131: 358-371.  (IF = 5.582, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [9] X. Zhai,
    J. Gao, H. Liao, C. Kirk, Y.A. Balogun, W. Chen* (2019). Mechanical behaviors of auxetic polyurethane foam at quasi-static, intermediate and high strain rates, International Journal of Impact Engineering, 129: 112-118.  (IF = 4.592, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao*, Y. Nie, B.H. Lim, N. Kedir, W. Chen (2019). A microscopic experimental method transversely loading on single high-performance fibers, Experimental Mechanics, 59(5): 669-679.  (IF = 2.794)

    [7] X. Zhai, Z. Guo,
    J. Gao, N. Kedir, Y. Nie, B. Claus, T. Sun, X. Xiao, K. Fezzaa, W. Chen* (2019). High-speed X-ray visualization of dynamic crack initiation and propagation in bone, Acta Biomaterialia, 90: 278-286.  (IF = 10.633, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    [6] B.H. Lim, J.M. Chu,
    J. Gao, B. Claus, Y. Nie, W. Chen* (2019). The effect of projectile nose shape on the critical velocity of high-performance yarn, Fibers, 7(4): 29.

    J. Gao*, P. Huang, W. Yao (2017). Analytical and numerical study of temperature stress in the bimodulus thick cylinder, Structural Engineering and Mechanics: An International Journal, 64(1): 8192.  (IF = 2.998)

    J. Gao, W. Yao* (2017). Thermal stress analysis for bi-modulus foundation beam under nonlinear temperature difference, International Journal of Computational Methods, 14(01): 1750024.  (IF = 2.040)

    J. Gao, W. Yao*, J. Liu (2017). Temperature stress analysis for bi-modulus beam placed on Winkler foundation, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, 38(7): 921-934.  (IF = 2.907, 中科院一区, Top期刊)

    J. Gao, W. Yao*, Y. Ma (2016). Analytical and numerical study of graphite IG110 parts in advanced reactor under high temperature and irradiation, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 305: 421-432.  (IF = 1.9)

    [1] W. Yao*, J. Ma,
    J. Gao, Y. Qiu (2015). Nonlinear large deflection buckling analysis of compression rod with different moduli, Structural Engineering and Mechanics: An International Journal, 54(5): 855-875.  (IF = 2.998).


    [6] S. Paulson*, C. Kirk, J. Gao, W. Chen (2022). The form and function of the Kolsky bar for dynamic three-point bending, Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Jun 14-17, digital forum.

    [5] J. Gao*, G. Kim, W. Chen (2022). Dynamic behavior of fiber-reinforced composites under triaxial compression, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites—Thirty-seventh Technical Conference, Sep 19-21, digital forum.

    [4] J. Gao*, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, J. Hernandez, X. Zhai, J. Wang, T.N. Tallman, K. Fezzaa, W. Chen (2020). Real-Time Visualization of Damage Progression Inside GFRP Composites via High-Speed X-Ray PCI Technique, Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics 14th International Congress, Sep 14-17, Orlando, Florida, USA, digital forum.

    [3] J. Gao*, N. Kedir, C. Kirk, J. Hernandez, J. Wang, X. Zhai, T. Horn, G. Kim, K. Fezzaa, F. De Carlo, P. Shevchenko, T.N. Tallman, R. Sterkenburg, W. Chen (2020). In-situ Observation of Dynamic Damage Evolution Inside GFRCs Through High-Speed X-ray PCI, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites—Thirty-fifth Technical Conference, Sep 23-24, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, digital forum.

    J. Gao*, Z. Guo, Y. Nie, J. Hernandez, B.H. Lim, N. Kedir, T.N. Tallman, W. Chen (2019). Transverse Impact on a Single Layer S-Glass/SC15 Epoxy Composite Strip, Proceedings of the American Society for Composites—Thirty-fourth Technical Conference, Sep 23-25, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

    [1] W. Yao*,
    J. Gao, Y. Yang, Y. Zhou (2016). Elastic-plastic Analysis and Experimental Study on the Simply Supported Bi-modulus Graphite Beam, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Dec 16-18, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.


    2017.7 -- 2021.8
    普渡大学(美国)       航空与航天工程       博士

    2014.9 -- 2016.5
    上海大学       建筑与土木工程       工学硕士学位

    2010.9 -- 2014.5
    上海大学       土木工程       工学学士学位


    2022.4 -- 至今

    南京航空航天大学      航空学院      特聘研究员(A类)、教授

    2021.8 -- 2022.2

    普渡大学(美国)      航空与航天工程学院      博士后


  • 材料极端力学行为测试与表征新方法

  • 特种纤维及其织物材料的动态力学响应

  • 先进复合材料多尺度动态力学行为及无损检测技术

  • 生物材料及仿生设计

  • 核反应堆结构力学

  • 双模量材料本构模型及数值计算方法