Fang Xiande
Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Main positions:国际期刊《Aerospace Science and Technology》副主编
Other Post:国际期刊《International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology》主编
Alma Mater:中国科学技术大学
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering
Discipline:Engineering Thermophysics. Man-machine-environment system engineering. Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering
Business Address:明故宫流体楼
Contact Information:Email: Cell: 13675121205
Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Journal:Aerosp Sci Technol
Abstract:Understanding of flow boiling heat transfer under hypergravity is needed due to its applications to modern flight vehicles. Few investigations on this issue have been reported. The present paper presents the experimental results of R134a flow boiling heat transfer in 1.002 and 2.168 mm ID tubes under hypergravity up to 3.16 g. The results reveal effects of gravity, channel size, heat flux, mass flux, quality, and pressure on and their interrelations in flow boiling heat transfer. Gravity has strong effects on flow boiling heat transfer. The heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) under hypergravity levels up to 3.16 g are normally greater than those under Earth's gravity. The heat transfer characteristics in the 1.002 and 2.168 mm tubes are very different, indicating that gravity effects on flow boiling heat transfer strongly interrelate with channel size. Also, gravity effects on flow boiling heat transfer are influenced by heat flux, mass flux, and pressure, and somewhat related to quality. © 2019 Elsevier Masson SAS
ISSN No.:1270-9638
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-11-01
Co-author:Tang, Da,Zheng, Ling,Li, Guohua,Yuan, Yuliang
Correspondence Author:Fang Xiande