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Daxing Dong, Youwen Liu*, Yongqin Fan, Yue Fei, Junsheng Li, and Yangyang Fu,Tunable THz reflection-type polarizer based on monolayer phosphorene, Applied Optics 58, 9643(2019).


Title of Paper:Daxing Dong, Youwen Liu*, Yongqin Fan, Yue Fei, Junsheng Li, and Yangyang Fu,Tunable THz reflection-type polarizer based on monolayer phosphorene, Applied Optics 58, 9643(2019).

Indexed by:Journal paper

Discipline:Natural Science

Document Type:J

Translation or Not:no

Included Journals:SSCI

Pre One:Yangyang Fu, Yue Fei, Daxing Dong, and Youwen Liu, Photonic spin Hall effect in PT symmetric metamaterials,Frontiers of Physics 14(6), 62601 (2019).

Next One:Lang Zhou, Yuangang Lu*, Yangyang Fu, Haixia Ma, and ChaolingDu,Design of a hybrid on-chip waveguide with giant backward stimulated Brillouin scattering, Optics Express 27,24953(2019).