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Title of Paper:Effect of binary rare earth oxide on the properties of plasma sprayed Al2O3/TiO2 coatings


Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院


Key Words:Friction Coating Abrasive wear Binary rare earth oxide Plasma spray

Abstract:Purpose - This study systematically investigated the effect of the binary rare earth oxide of La2O3 and Sm2O3 on the properties of the Al2O3/TiO2 (AT) coating, including phase transform, wear behavior, etc. Design/methodology/approach - AT coatings mixed with different components of binary rare earth oxides of La2O3 and Sm2O3 are prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying. The adhesion strength, micro-hardness, phase transition and tribological behavior of coatings are systematically investigated. Findings - The X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis shows that phase transformation is obvious after spraying, and a-Al2O3 is almost translated into gamma-Al2O3 when La2O3 and Sm2O3 are doped together. Meanwhile, solid solution generated between rare earth oxide and Al2O3/TiO2 coatings results in disappearance of TiO2 and rare earth oxide phase. The photos under the scanning electron microscope (SEM) indicate that binary rare earth oxide could increase the melting degree of powder and decrease porosity of coatings. The increasing of Sm2O3 rarely affect micro-hardness and adhesion strength, and the coating with 4 per cent Sm2O3 and 1 per cent La2O3 exhibits the best wear resistance and lowest friction coefficient among all the samples. Originality/value - AT coatings mixed with different components of binary rare earth oxide of La2O3 and Sm2O3 are prepared by atmospheric plasma spraying. Binary rare earth oxide could increase the melting degree of powder and decrease porosity of AT coatings.

ISSN No.:0036-8792

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-01-01

Co-author:Tian, Bo,Zhao Gai,Wang, Feng,Li Huafeng,Yunlai Shi

Correspondence Author:dingqingjun,Zhao Gai

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