Du ChaoLing

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Associate Professor   Supervisor of Master's Candidates  
















(1)Optimization of highly transparent DMD-films for application in perovskite solar cell, Physica Scripta,2024,99:085529.

(2)Chiro-plasmon responses of x-shaped titanium nitride (TiN) nanoarrays by numerical simulations, Physica Scripta,2024,99:055506.

(3)Complementary absorption effect to improve the optical efficiency of dual-absorption-layered PSCs,

Numerical investigation on the performance of heterojunction solar cells with Cu2O as the hole transport layer and Cu2MoSnS4 as the absorption layer

Improved Optical Efficiencies of Perovskite Thin Film Solar Cells by Randomly Distributed Ag Nanoparticles,Plasmonics, 2003, 18:1143-1149.

(6) Adjustment of eccentricity and split angle for improved SERS and refractive index sensing of TiN nanodonutsPhysica Scripta,2023,9:045019.

(7) Individual Split Au Square Nanorings for Surface-Enhanced Raman and Hyper-Raman Scattering, Plasmonics, 2022,17:965-971.

(8) Eccentricity improved plasmon refractive index sensing and SERS performances of Au nano-donuts,Physics Letters A, 2022, 443 :12817.

(9) Enhanced photocurrent of perovskite solar cells by a layer of randomly-distributed-Ag-nanospheres, Physics Letters A, 2021, 414 :127620.

(10) Optimal aspect ratio and excitation spectral region of individual AuxAg1−x alloy nanobars for plasmonic sensing, Physics Letters A, 2020, 384126785.

(11) Improved optical properties of perovskite solar cells by introducing Ag nanopartices and ITO AR layersScientific Reports, 2021, 11, 14550.

(12) Optical optimization of ultra-thin crystalline silicon solar cells by a co-simulation approach of FEM and GA, Applied Physics A, 2021, 127, 558.

(13) Plasmonic properties of individual heterogeneous dimers of Au and In nanospheres, Physics Letters A, 2021391, 127137.

(14) Plasmon nanoparticle effect to improve optical properties of perovskite thin film,PNFAP, 2021, 43, 100888.

(15)Individual split Au square nanorings for surface enhanced Raman and hyper-Raman scattering,Plasmonics (accepted).

(16)The cross-section shape-dependent responses of S and FOM of individual Au nanorod sensors, Appl. Phys. A-Mate Sci & Proc , 2019, 125(5):345.

(17) Optimal geometry parameter for plasmonic sensitivities of individual Au nanopoarticle sensors, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21 (14): 7654-7660.

(18)Plasmonic Coupling Effects on the Refractive Index Sensitivities of Plane Au-Nanosphere-Cluster Sensors, Plasmonics 2018, 13(5): 1729-1734.

(19)Nano-thick-dielectric encapsulation effects on the refractive-index sensitivities of Ag plane-nanosphere-cluster sensors, MPLB, 2018, 32 (8): 1850080.

(20)Geometry and near-field coupling effects on the refractive-index sensitivities of individual Ag nanoparticle sensors Appl. Phys. A 2017, 123 (11): 672.   

(21)Plasmon Peak Sensitivity Investigation of Individual Cu and Cu@Cu2O Core-Shell Nanoparticle Sensors, Plasmonics 2016, 11 (5): 1197-1200

(22)Refractive index sensitivities of plane Ag nanosphere cluster sensors [J]. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2015, 215: 142-145.

(23)Linear or quadratic plasmon peak sensitivities for individual Au/Ag nanosphere sensors [J], Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2014, 203: 812-816.

(24)Dielectric Nanocup Coating Effect on the Resonant Optical Properties of Individual Au Nanosphere, Plasmonics, 8 (2013) 1523-1527.

(25)Shi, Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering from Individual Au Nanoparticles on Au Films, Plasmonics, 7 (2012) 475-478.

(26)Enhancement of Raman scattering by individual dielectric microspheres, Journal of Raman Spectrascopy. 45 (2011) 145-148.

(27)Numerically investigating the enhanced Raman scattering performance of individual Ag nanowire tips, APPLIED OPTICS, 50 (2011) 4922-4926.  

(28)Polarized SERS study of an individual Ag nanowire with bulb humps, Optics Communics. 284 (2011) 5844-5846.

(29)Individual Ag Nanowire Dimer for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering, Plasmonics, 6 (2011) 761-766.

(30)Near-field coupling effect between individual Au nanospheres and their supporting SiO2/Si substrate, Plasmonics 5 (2009) 105-109.

(31)Polarization-dependent confocal photoluminescence imaging of Ag nanorods and nanoparticles, Plasmonics, 4 (2009) 217-222.

(32)Individual polymer-encapsulated Ag nanoparticles for Surface enhanced Raman scattering, Chemical Physics Letters, 473 (2009) 317-320.

(33) Confocal white light reflection imaging for characterization of metal nanostructures, Optics Communications, 281 (2008) 5360-5363.

(34) Resonant Raman spectroscopy of (Mn,Co)-codoped ZnO films, Journal of Applied Physics, 103 (2008) 023501.

(35) Raman spectroscopy of (Mn,Co)-codoped ZnO films, Journal of Applied Physics, 99 (2006) 123515.

(36) Raman study of anharmonic phonons in SrBiTi4O15 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics, 99 (2006) 094101.

(37) Raman spectroscopic study of ceramic Sr2Bi4Ti5O18, Chinese Physics, 15 (2006) 854.

(38) An empirical formula approach to total cross sections for electron scattering on polyatomic molecules, Chinese Physics Letters, 22 (2005) 2801 .

(39) Composition-dependent structures and properties of Bi4Ti3-xZrxO12 ceramics, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 368 (2005) 157.

(40) Additivity rule for electron scattering on hydrocarbon molecules – considering two different shielding effects, Chinese Physics, 13 (2004) 1418.

(41) Total cross sections for electron scattering on polyatomic molecules – considering two different shielding effects, Physics Letters A, 314 (2003) 150.

(42) Site-selective localization of analytes on gold nanorod surface for investigating field enhancement distribution in surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Nanoscale, 3 (2011) 1575-1581.

(43) Near field optical properties of individual Ag nanowire dimers encapsulated by dielectric layers, BIOTECHNOLOGY, CHEMICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, PTS: Advanced Materials Research   393-395 (2012) 193-196.

(44) Quan YuanYunfei ZhangYan ChenRuowen WangChaoling DuEmir YasunWeihong Tan, Using silver nanowire antennas to enhance the conversion efficiency of photoresponsive DNA nanomotorsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011, 108(23): 9331-9336.

(45) YuMeng You, NA Purnawirman, HaiLong Hu, Kasim J,Huanping YangChaoLing Du, Ting Tu, ZeXiang Shen,Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy using single-crystalline Ag nanowire as tipJournal of Raman Spectroscopy 2010, 41(10): 1156-1162.







Educational ExperienceMore>>

1994.9 1997.7

  • 河南南阳市二中
  • 普通高中毕业

2001.9 2004.7

  • 河南师范大学
  • 原子与分子物理
  • Master's Degree in Science
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

2001.9 2004.7

  • 河南师范大学
  • 原子与分子物理
  • Master's Degree in Science
  • With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates

Work Experience

2007.5 2009.8
  • 南洋理工大学应用物理系
2009.8 Now
  • 南京航空航天大学理学院

Social Affiliations

Research Focus

  • 光学,具体包括光电热功能材料的设计与性能表征,设计不同光电热等性能优异的新型微纳米元器件。
  • 凝聚态物理 微纳光子学,研究贵金属纳米颗粒或阵列的光学及光伏、光热特性。

Research Group
