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副教授 硕士生导师

机械工程 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 机电学院
航空宇航科学与技术 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 机电学院
机械 -- 【招收硕士研究生】 -- 机电学院










个人简介Personal Profile

戴庆文,博士,德国洪堡学者(Humboldt Research Fellow,2021),南京航空航天大学副教授,硕士生导师,入选2022年江苏省科协青年人才托举工程,九三学社社员。2017年3月南航机械设计及理论专业博士研究生毕业后直接留校工作。长期从事航空航天领域苛刻工况下高速机械密封、磁性液体润滑与密封设计、油液热驱爬移理论研究,累计发表SCI/EI收录学术论文61篇,其中第一/通讯论文33篇(25篇JCR2区以上,1篇Nature Index索引,1篇封面),授权发明专利10项,SCI他引630余次,H-index 15,直升机传动技术国家级重点实验室固定人员、全国高校黄大年式教师团队“航空航天先进制造教师团队”主要人员。担任SCI收录期刊《Industrial Lubrication and Tribology》编委、《Coatings》 客座主编。担任国家自然科学基金委通讯评审、教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评审专家,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters、Applied Surface Science、Langmuir、Tribology International、Journal of Tribology等期刊外审专家。


2017.04 - 至今          南京航空航天大学,讲师、副教授

2021.10 - 至今          达姆斯塔特工业大学(德国),洪堡研究员

2015.09 - 2016.09    路易斯安娜州立大学(美国)访问学者

2011.09 - 2017.03    南京航空航天大学,机械设计及理论(硕博连读),获得博士学位

2007.09 - 2011.06    南京航空航天大学,机械工程及自动化,获得学士学位


[1]  高速机械密封

[2]  表/界面流体调控 

[3]  微纳功能表面设计

[4]  磁性液体润滑与密封设计









1. 2022年教育部硕士研究生国家奖学金;

2. 2022年南京航空航天大学爱乐达创新奖学金;

3. 南京航空航天大学科研创新先进个人(2021-2022、2020-2021);

4. 2021-2022南京航空航天大学三好研究生(2021-2022、2020-2021)。


       1. 2021苏州工业园区特别奖学金。


       1. 2021年度校群星创新奖提名奖;

       2. 2021苏州工业园区特别奖学金。


       1. 2020年教育部硕士研究生国家奖学金;

       2. 2019-2020南京航空航天大学科研创新先进个人。


       1. 2019年教育部硕士研究生国家奖学金;

       2. 江苏省2019年优秀学生干部;

       3. 南京航空航天大学2018年三好研究生标兵。


[8]  2021年,南京航空航天教学优秀二等奖

[7]  2020年,南京航空航天大学科学技术三等奖

[6]  2018年,南京航空航天大学优秀博士论文

[5]  2017年,南京航空航天大学优秀毕业生

[4]  2016年,工信创新创业奖学金之“创新奖学金”一等奖

[3]  2015年,博士研究生国家奖学金

[2]  2015年,南京航空航天大学群星创新提名奖

[1]  2014年,中国国家公派(CSC)奖学金


[8] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51805252),主持;

[7] 德国洪堡基金会项目(Alexander von Humboldt Foundation),主持;

[6] 航空科学基金项目(202044052001),主持;

[5] 清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金(51805252),主持;

[4] 中国博士后基金面上项目(51805252),主持;

[3] 直升机传动技术国防科技重点实验室基金项目(HTL-A-20G03),主持;

[2] 留学人员科技创新项目资助,主持;

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52175172),参与;

学术论文  [Researchgate]  [Google Scholar


[28]  Q.W. Dai#, CC Yue, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Droplets impact on rotating cylinders, Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 273, 118669(2区TOP期刊)


[27]  Q.W. Dai#, J. Yan, A. Sadeghi, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, M.M. Khonsari, Creating Lifting Force in Liquids via Thermal Gradients, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 629, 245–253(1区TOP期刊)


[26]  S.Q Chen, Q.W. Dai*#, X.L. Yang, J.J. Liu, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Bioinspired Functional Structures for Lubricant Control at Surfaces and Interfaces: Wedged-groove with Oriented Capillary Patterns, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14(37), 42635−42644(1区TOP期刊)

[25] Q.W. Dai, S.Q. Chen, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Steffen Hardt, On the thermocapillary migration between parallel plates, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2022, 182, 121962.(1区TOP期刊)

[24] L. Chen, G.H. Jin, Q.W. Dai#, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Droplets Impacting and Migrating on Structured Surfaces With Imposed Thermal Gradients,Journal of Tribology,2022, 14(4), 121962.


[23] K. Zhuang, X.L. Yang, W. Huang, Q.W. Dai#, X.L. Wang#, Efficient bubble transport on bioinspired topological ultraslippery surfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(51) 61780–61788.(1区TOP期刊)

[22] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang,  M. M Khonsari, Directional interfacial motion of liquids: Fundamentals, evaluations, and manipulation strategies, Tribology International,154 (2021)106749.(1区TOP期刊,长篇综述邀稿)


[21] Q.W. Dai, Z.D. Hu, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Controlled support of a magnetic fluid at a superhydrophobic interface, Applied Physics Letters 116(22) (2020) 221601.(Nature Index索引,TOP期刊)

[20] Q.W. Dai*, Z.J. Chong, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Migration of liquid bridges at the interface of spheres and plates with an imposed thermal gradient, Langmuir 36(22) (2020) 6268–6276.(TOP期刊)

[19] Z.J. Chong, Q.W. Dai*, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Investigations on the thermocapillary migration of liquid lubricants at different interfaces, Tribology Letters 68(2) (2020) 59. 国摩擦与润滑工程师协会期刊亮点报道

[18] Q.W. Dai, S.J. Qiu, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Non-sticky and free-forward performances of grubs against soil, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 191 (2020) 111006.(Selected as Cover Art,期刊封面, TOP期刊

[17] Q.W. Dai, Q. Chang, M. Li, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Non-sticky and non-slippery biomimetic patterned surfaces, Journal of Bionic Engineering 17(2) (2020) 326-334. 

[16] Q.W. Dai*, Z. Qiu, Z.J. Chong, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Propelling liquids on superhydrophobic surfaces with superhydrophilic diverging grooves, Surface Innovations 8(3) (2020) 158–164.


[15] Q.W. Dai*, Y.J. Ji, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, On the thermocapillary migration on radially microgrooved surfaces, Langmuir 35(28) (2019) 9169-9176.(TOP期刊)

[14] Q.W. Dai*, Y.J. Ji, Z.J. Chong, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Manipulating thermocapillary migration via superoleophobic surfaces with wedge shaped superoleophilic grooves, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 557 (2019) 837-844. (1区TOP期刊)

[13] Y.J. Ji, Q.W. Dai*, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, On the thermocapillary migration at the liquid and solid aspects, Journal of Tribology 141(9) (2019) 091802-091802-7.

[12] Q.W. Dai, M. Li, M.M. Khonsari, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, The thermocapillary migration on rough surfaces, Lubrication Science 31(5) (2019) 163–170.

[11] 戴庆文李思远王秀英黄巍王晓雷不同密封副材料的表面织构设计及其润滑和密封特性中国表面工程 32(3) (2019) 21-29.


[10] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, M.M. Khonsari, Ringlike migration of a droplet propelled by an omnidirectional thermal gradient, Langmuir 34(13) (2018) 3806-3812.(TOP期刊)

[9] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Contact angle hysteresis effect on the thermocapillary migration of liquid droplets, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 515 (2018) 32-38.(1区TOP期刊)


[8] Q.W. Dai, M.M. Khonsari, C. Shen, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, On the migration of a droplet on an incline, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 494 (2017) 8-14.(1区TOP期刊)

[7]  Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Insights into the influence of additives on the thermal gradient induced migration of lubricant, Lubrication Science 29(1) (2017) 17-29.

[6] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Micro-grooves design to modify the thermo-capillary migration of paraffin oil, Meccanica 52(1) (2017) 171-181. 

[5] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, J.Q. Wang, X.L. Wang, The thermal capillary migration properties and controlling technique of ferrofluids, Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 231(11) (2017) 1441-1449.



[4] Q.W. Dai, M.M. Khonsari, C. Shen, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Thermocapillary migration of liquid droplets induced by a unidirectional thermal gradient, Langmuir 32(30) (2016) 7485-7492.(TOP期刊)


[3] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, A surface texture design to obstruct the liquid migration induced by omnidirectional thermal gradients, Langmuir 31(37) (2015) 10154-10160. (TOP期刊)


[2] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Surface roughness and orientation effects on the thermo-capillary migration of a droplet of paraffin oil, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 57 (2014) 200-206.

[1] 戴庆文黄巍王晓雷液体空间润滑剂蠕爬流失机理及应对策略研究进展表面技术 2914(6) (2014) 125-130.



[19] M.C. Xu, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Using magnetic fluids to improve the behavior of ball bearings under starved lubrication, Tribology International 141 (2020) 105950.

[18] M. Xu, G. Jin, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Ferrofluid lubrication for ball bearings to avoid starvation, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology (2020).  

[17] A. Sammaiah, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Synthesis of go-fe3o4-based ferrofluid and its lubrication performances, Proc IMechE Part J: J Engineering Tribology 234(7) (2020) 1160–1167. 

[16] Z.D. Hu, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Liquid–gas support and lubrication based on a ferrofluid seal, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53(2) (2020) 025002.

[15] Y. Hu, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Accuracy of the pattern transfer from the metal mask to the workpiece surface during multiphase jet machining, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 106(3-4) (2020) 1355-1364.

[14] Y. Hu, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Tapered mask and its effect on the fluid flow and machining efficiency of a multiphase jet, Journal of Manufacturing Processes 50 (2020) 467-474.

[13] 王秀英李思远戴庆文黄巍王晓雷织构化机械密封的润滑与泄漏特性协调优化研究进展表面技术 48(8) (2019) 1-8. 

[12] 何停霞戴庆文黄巍王晓雷离子液体基氧化石墨烯胶体分散稳定性研究表面技术 48(8) (2019) 129-135. 

[11] X. Wang, M. Khonsari, S. Li, Q.W. Dai, X.L. Wang, Experimental verification of textured mechanical seal designed using multi-objective optimization, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 71(6) (2019) 766-771. 

[10] M. Li, Q. Jiao, Q.W. Dai, L. Shi, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Effects of bulk viscoelasticity and surface wetting on the contact and adhesive properties of a soft material, Polymer Testing 74 (2019) 266-273. 

[9] M. Li, Q.W. Dai, Q. Jiao, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Magnetically stimulating capillary effect for reversible wet adhesions, Soft Matter 15(13) (2019) 2817-2825. 

[8] L. Guo, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Composite ni/uhmwpe coatings and their tribological performances, Applied Surface Science 481 (2019) 414-420. 

[7] H. Yin, Q.W. Dai, X. Hao, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Preparation and tribological properties of graphene oxide doped alumina composite coatings, Surface and Coatings Technology 352 (2018) 411-419. 

[6] J. Xie, M. Li, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Key parameters of biomimetic patterned surface for wet adhesion, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 82 (2018) 72-78. 

[5] X.Y. Wang, L.P. Shi, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Multi-objective optimization on dimple shapes for gas face seals, Tribology International 123 (2018) 216-223. 

[4] L. Shi, Y. Fang, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Surface texturing on sic by multiphase jet machining with microdiamond abrasives, Materials and Manufacturing Processes 33(13) (2018) 1415-1421. 

[3] M. Li, J. Xie, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Effect of wetting case and softness on adhesion of bioinspired micropatterned surfaces, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 78 (2018) 266-272. 

[2] M. Li, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Pillar versus dimple patterned surfaces for wettability and adhesion with varying scales, Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15(148) (2018) 20180681. 

[1] T.X. He, Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Colloidal suspension of graphene oxide in ionic liquid as lubricant, Applied Physics A 124(11) (2018) 777.


[6] 戴庆文,胡琳,刘艾灵,胡艺文,张博,李芊芊,邱中华,一种基于温控推进的板式表面张力贮箱,ZL202010608795.X,授权发明专利

[5] 李芊芊,胡艺文,刘艾灵,胡琳,戴庆文,一种仿Laval喷嘴结构的导流板功能表面及其制作方法,ZL202010640271.9,授权发明专利

[4] 戴庆文,徐曼成, 黄巍,王晓雷,崇哲均,胡正东,一种基于极端浸润界面的磁流体可控支撑微型平台,ZL2020104462895,授权发明专利

[3] 戴庆文,邱中华,张博,纪亚娟,崇哲均,黄巍,王晓雷,自推进功能表面的制备方法及基于该表面的表面张力贮箱,ZL201911179756.6,授权发明专利

[2] 戴庆文,纪亚娟,黄巍,王晓雷,具备可控防爬能力的表面织构设计方法,ZL201810909532.5,授权发明专利

[1] 戴庆文,纪亚娟,黄巍,王晓雷,自动调控油膜厚度的智能滑动轴承及其控制方法,ZL201810909815.X,授权发明专利



[6]  Q.W. Dai, Z. J. Chong, W. Huang, et al., Thermocapillary migration of lubricants at different interfaces & regulation strategy, International Nanotribology Forum, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 2020.1.12–17. [Oral]

[5]  Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Effect of surface topography and properties on the migration at the Interface, 3rd International Conference on Applied Surface Science, Pisa, Italy, 2019.6.16–20. [Oral]

[4]  Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Insights into the thermocapillary migration: liquid and solid aspects, 6th Asia International Conference On Tribology, Hilton Kuching, Malaysia, 2018.9.17–20. [Oral]

[3] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, Surface texture design to obstruct the migration of liquid lubricants, 1st TU-NUAA Joint Academic Workshop, 2018.1.15–17.[Oral]

[2] Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, The thermal capillary migration properties and controlling technique of ferrofluids, 17th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 2016.6.14–17. [Poster]

[1]  Q.W. Dai, W. Huang, X.L. Wang, The phenomenon of thermocapillary migration effected by surface microgrooves, 2th International Brazilian Conference on Tribology, Iguazu, Brazil, 2014.11.3–5. [Oral]


[2] 主持建设南京航空航天大学精品课程《机械设计基础》。

[1] 承担《机械设计基础》、《机械设计基础I》、《机械设计基础课程设计》、《Innovative Design of Mechanism Kinematic Scheme》课程及《Machinery Design》实验课程的教学工作。

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations