Zhaofeng Chen

Professor   Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  

Main positions:中国绝热节能材料协会副会长

Other Post:中国硅酸盐学会绝热材料分会副理事长


Alma Mater:西北工业大学

Education Level:西北工业大学

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering

School/Department:College of Material Science and Technology

Discipline:Material Science. Material Process Engineering

Business Address:江宁校区东区D10材料楼A407


Paper Publications

Ultralight and thermal insulation carbon foam/SiO2 aerogel composites


Affiliation of Author(s):材料科学与技术学院


Key Words:Carbon foam SiO2 aerogel Composite Thermal conductivity

Abstract:In this study, carbon foam (CF) and SiO2 aerogel composite were prepared by the sol-gel method under a circumstance of the atmospheric drying process. The Pyrolysis mechanism of carbon foam was investigated through thermal gravimetric analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Carbon foam having ultralight properties with a density of 5.44 kg/m(3), functions as a skeleton to support the composite. The maximum compressive stress measured for CF/SiO2 aerogel composite was about 1.0 MPa. At room temperature, the measured thermal conductivities of the CF and CF/SiO2 aerogel composite were 0.035 W/m K and 0.024 W/m K, while at 300 degrees C, it was reported to be 0.120 W/m K and 0.057 W/m K. Aerogel filled in carbon foam cells have significantly reduced the gaseous thermal conductivity of the prepared composite.

ISSN No.:1380-2224

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2019-10-01

Co-author:Liu, Yang,Zhang, Junxiong,Ai, Sufen,Tang, Hao,th

Correspondence Author:Zhaofeng Chen

Pre One:Microstructure characterization and thermal performance of reticulated SiC skeleton reinforced silica aerogel composites

Next One:Mechanical and thermal properties of reticulated SiC aerogel composite prepared by template method


陈照峰 南京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师、加拿大维多利亚大学兼职教授、江苏省六大高峰和姑苏人才

















[4]国家自然科学基金面上项目:3D C/C双辉W/Ir抗氧化涂层及其界面组织结构演变,主持;






[1]Mengmeng Yang, Yang Ding, Zhaofeng Chen*, Qiong Wu, Lihao Liu, Tianlong Liu, Manna Li, Kai Xu, Lu Le, Lixia Yang*. Layered ZrO2/SiO2 aerogel composite fibrous flexibility membrane for thermal insulation and sound absorption. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2024.

[2] Le Lua†, Tianlong Liua†, Zhaofeng Chen*, Fei Wang, Mengmeng Yang, Qiong Wu, Lixia Yang*, Huanyong Li, Top priority current path between SiC particles during UHT flash sintering: Presence of PyC “bridges[J]. Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2024.

[3]Mengmeng Yang, Zhaofeng Chen*, Yang Ding, Wu Qiong, Tianlong Liu, Manna Li, Lixia Yang & Sheng Cui, A lightweight and high compressive resistance thermal insulation material with dual-network structureNano Research, 2023: 1-9

[4]Cao Wu, Zhaofeng Chen*, et al. Confining Tiny MoO2 Clusters into Reduced Graphene Oxide for Highly Efficient Low Frequency Microwave Absorption, Small, 2020, 16 (30): 2001686.

[5]Tianlong Liu, Zhaofeng Chen*, Lixia Yang, et al. Additive manufacturing of high-performance CCF/SiC composites under dual protection. Ceramics International, 2024.