Professor Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Education Level:南京航空航天大学
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Aerospace Engineering
Discipline:Flight Vehicle Design
Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Key Words:Failure criterion Strength Transverse cracking Puck's IFF criteria
Abstract:Puck's action plane failure criteria have already proven their capability in the first and second world-wide failure exercises (WWFE-I and WWFE-II). However, Puck and his co-workers have only recommended inclination parameters for GFRP/Epoxy and CFRP/Epoxy. These UD composites generally have high transverse compressive-to-tensile strength ratios Y-C/Y-T, and are regarded by them as intrinsically brittle materials. Therefore, Pucks inter fibre fracture (IFF) criteria might not be directly applied to other types of UD composites with low Y-C/Y-T ratios. In particular, Puck's original IFF criteria will result in unrealistic predictions if Y-C/Y-T is extremely low. In the present study, Pucks original IFF criteria are extended to all types of UD composite materials to solve the problem. Composites are divided into three categories, namely semi-brittle materials, brittle materials, and intrinsically brittle materials. Depending on the material category, three different algorithms are proposed for determination of the two parameters in Puck's IFF criteria, namely the resistance of the action plane against transverse tensile stressing, R-perpendicular to(At), as well as the inclination parameter of contour lines of the fracture body, p(perpendicular to perpendicular to). The present criteria are theoretically evaluated for composites with low Y-C/Y-T ratios, while the predictions of the present criteria are compared with the test results of composites with high Y-C/Y-T ratios such as thermoset GFRP and CFRP. Theoretical and experimental assessment demonstrates the reasonableness of the extension of Pucks IFF criteria.
ISSN No.:0266-3538
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-07-07
Co-author:Gu, Jiefei
Correspondence Author:cph