Affiliation of Author(s):航空学院
Title of Paper:Study on stress concentration factor of concrete-filled steel tubular T-joints
Journal:Jianzhu Jiegou Xuebao
Abstract:The stress concentration factors (SCF) of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) T-joints subjected to axial loading and in-plane bending were studied by using test method and finite element analysis. The results show that, the SCF distribution along the weld toe of steel tubular joint is uneven when subjected to axial loading, while that of the CFST one is even, indicating that the SCF of CFST joint is reduced effectively by filling the chord with concrete. The position of hot spot is also changed from saddle point to crown point. The SCF distribution along the weld toe of chord of tubular joint is uneven when subjected to in-plane loading, while that of chord of CFST one is even, indicating that the SCF of the chord of CFST joint is reduced effectively by filling the chord with concrete. However the difference between the brace of steel tubular joint and CFST joint is not significant. The stress concentration factor of the joints could be affected by the chord axial force, so the chord axial compression ratio should be considered when considering the fatigue strength of the joints subjected to axial compression and in-plane bending. The SCF calculation formulas of the design standard for the tubular joints are not suitable for CFST joints. Finally, improved SCF formulas based on the principle of strength equivalence were proposed, and the calculated results agreed well with the test results. © 2018, Editorial Office of Journal of Building Structures. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1000-6869
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-03-01
Co-author:Nie, Jianguo,Zhou, Chengye
Correspondence Author:Chen Juan