Affiliation of Author(s):民航学院
Journal:Hangkong Dongli Xuebao
Abstract:The ball and roller bearings were modeled in detail in whole aero-engine vibration model. The 5 DOF (degrees of freedom) model of ball bearing was established, and the bearing forces and moments were deduced under complex deformations of 5DOF. The cylindrical roller bearing was modeled by means of the “section method”, and the bearing force and moments were deduced considering the radial deformation, degree of convexity of cylindrical roller, bearing clearance, and angular deformation due to the bearing inclination. The complex bearing models were combined with the rotor and casing finite element beam model with 6 DOF, the whole aero-engine vibration model including modeling of complex ball and roller bearings was established, and the dynamic responses were solved by the numerical integral method. The aero-engine rig with casings was used to verify the correctness and effectiveness of the model. Compared with the experiment results and showed that, the errors of the first 3 orders natural frequencies were less than 5%, and the mode shapes were fully similar. © 2017, Editorial Department of Journal of Aerospace Power. All right reserved.
ISSN No.:1000-8055
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2017-09-01
Correspondence Author:cg
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering
School/Department:College of Civil Aviation
Discipline:Vehicle Operation Engineering
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