Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Main positions: 电气工程系副主任
Other Post: IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion编委/副主编
Title of Paper:Performance and Evaluation of Five-Phase Dual Random SVPWM Strategy with Optimized Probability Density Function
Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院
Journal:IEEE Trans Ind Electron
Abstract:This paper presents a five-phase dual random space vector pulsewidth modulation (FPDR-SVPWM) strategy with an optimized probability density function (PDF) for a five-phase voltage-source inverter, and its performance and evaluation are also analyzed. Based on the nearest four vectors modulation method, the FPDR-SVPWM strategy, combined with random switching frequency and random zero vector, is investigated to significantly reduce the amplitude of high-order harmonics near the switching frequency and its integer multiples. For the nonsinusoidal power supply, third harmonic injection is introduced in this modulation strategy as well. Considering the effect of random numbers on the performance, an optimized Beta distribution is studied in detail. In order to analyze harmonic dispersion degree qualitatively and quantitatively, the power spectral density and the harmonic spread factor are both employed to assess the performance of the FPDR-SVPWM strategy. A series of results of simulation in MATLAB and experiments based on field programmable gate array demonstrate that the proposed modulation strategy is correct and valid, and it distributes high-order harmonics into a wide range without affecting the fundamental wave and third harmonic. © 1982-2012 IEEE.
ISSN No.:0278-0046
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-05-01
Co-author:Pu, Tianyu,Huangwenxin,70209119
Correspondence Author:Bu Feifei
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