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Paper Publications

Title of Paper:Control and Performance of Five-Phase Dual Stator-Winding Induction Generator DC Generating System


Affiliation of Author(s):自动化学院


Key Words:Control-winding-flux-oriented control (CWFOC) dc generating system dual stator-winding induction generator (DWIG) five phase harmonic injection

Abstract:In this paper, the five-phase dual stator-winding induction generator dc generating system with the static excitation controller is presented, and two kinds of control strategies for this system are proposed. In this generator, the cage-type rotor is employed, and two sets of five-phase windings are placed in the stator, namely, the power winding and control winding. Using the instantaneous power theory, the control-winding-flux-oriented control (CWFOC) strategy without harmonic injection is obtained. To improve power density, the CWFOC with harmonic injection is proposed as well. For these two strategies, the detailed implementation is studied. The results (simulation and experiment) support the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed control strategies, and the corresponding results show that, using the CWFOC strategy with harmonic injection, the output power of this system can be improved by about 11%.

ISSN No.:0278-0046

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-07-01

Co-author:Xu, Haijun,Huangwenxin,huyuwen,Liu, Haozhe

Correspondence Author:Bu Feifei

Copyright©2018- Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics·Informationization Department(Informationization Technology Center)
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