Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Title of Paper:Energy-efficient power allocation scheme for distributed MISO system with transmit correlation
Affiliation of Author(s):电子信息工程学院
Key Words:Distributed MISO energy efficiency fractional programming low complexity power allocation spatial correlation
Abstract:The energy efficiency (EE) of distributed multiple-input single-output (MISO) system is investigated in spatially-correlated Rayleigh channels, where large-scale fading including the path loss and the shadow fading is considered. The target is to maximize the EE which is defined as the ratio of the transmission rate to the total power consumed by the system subject to the maximum transmit power of each remote antenna unit (RAU) constraint. The EE optimization can be formulated as a nonlinear fractional programming problem. An optimal power allocation (PA) scheme for maximizing the EE is proposed. With this scheme, an iterative algorithm using Dinkelbach method is presented. To avoid iterative calculation, a low-complexity simplified PA scheme is developed based on the good channel information for antenna selection; it can provide a computational efficient method to acquire the optimal numbers of active RAUs. Therefore, the multidimensional optimization problem is converted to a single-dimensional optimization problem. As a result, the closed-form PA is attained. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed two schemes. The results indicate that these two schemes can achieve very similar performance, and the simplified scheme has lower complexity because no iteration is required.
ISSN No.:0020-7217
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-01-01
Co-author:Wen, Benben,王莹,dxy
Correspondence Author:yxb
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